How to find out percentage between forecast and actual?

Say forecast is 4.5 and actual is 5.5, what is the percentage in difference? how do i calculate?

Divide the “actual” figure by the “forecast” figure, subtract 1, and then express the decimal result as a percentage.

Using your example:

(5.5 ÷ 4.5) - 1 = 1.222 - 1 = 0.222, which means that the “actual” figure [B]exceeded the forecast by 22.2%[/B]

If the numbers were reversed — that is, if the forecast was 5.5 and the actual was 4.5 — you would do the calculation the same way. You would divide the “actual” by the “forecast”, subtract 1, and express the resulting [B]negative number[/B] as the percentage by which the “actual” fell short of the “forecast”.

Here’s how it would work out: (4.5 ÷ 5.5) - 1 = 0.81818 - 1 = [B]- 0.1818[/B], which means that the actual figure [B]fell short of the forecast by 18.18% — call it 18.2%.[/B]

Can you please calculate the forecast and actual for me as i don’t understand?

First, subtract the budgeted amount from the actual expense

First, subtract the budgeted amount from the actual expense. If this expense was over budget, then the result will be positive. Next, divide that number by the original budgeted amount and then multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage over budget. If you want to calculate forecast percentage, then: Divide the goal by the actual. This gives you a percentage value that represents how much of the goal has been achieved. For instance, if your goal is to sell 100 widgets, and you sell 80, your percent of goal is 80 percent (80/100). You can find more information about how to predict a forecast fast and safe here