How to finish the school fast?

You can either do it really fast and not absorb anything or spend all your time just doing that. Is studying forex something you can do for about 4-6 hours per day?

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Take the time to learn anyway. You donā€™t need trading funds right now. Learning is a journey that will take months and probably years.

And if you want to ā€œfeelā€ the emotions of trading real money, open an account with a super small balance that youā€™re willing to lose. Take it as spending money on your education if you blow the account and lose it all.

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Youā€™re asking the wrong question.

This is a marathon not a race.

This isnā€™t a destination.

It is a never ending journey of education and enlightenment.


You can do it faster by practice trading on the demo accounts and controlling your emotions . These two tips can help you a lot.

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Nice initiative brother! Fix a minimum amount of time for learning and I think you can finish it within a couple of months.

This appeared on my unreads so Iā€™m stopping by. :sweat_smile: But hope youā€™re progressing well in the school. :smiley: Iā€™ll be waiting for that ā€œSchool of Pipsology Graduateā€ flair. :smiley:

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