How to make $500 to $1 Million- compounding effect

True…but I have seen more a “dreamer” than a Go getter that who actually makes money “consistently”.

Still, cant get a pat on the back, its amazing,

Its all good tho, because this forum is a big ball of Negativity and haters…

Its about baby steps, learning, and getting better, and over coming our mistakes. Its a process… But yet, people FIND a way to throw trash in your face, instead of pumpin up one another, and nudging one to greatness in this business.

So, because Im not “consistent” im a failure? Isnt this about learning and getting better?

A pitcher in baseball goes out, pitches his a$$ off and has good games and bad games, but his teammates NEVER dog him out, or ridicule the way he plays… Its not about that, its about being behind him, and letting him know, it happens…

Some people just arnt team players… I put up an offer to make millions, as a team, and I got 1 player… Just like in the video I posted, how ironic, huh?

Its not sopposed to be like this… Especially you PipNRoll… With your “talk to me” thread, that is basicly aimed at ones inner problems in find the way in this business…

Im not going to lie, of everyone here, I thought for sure I would get a " Good Job" " keep it Up", but you just basicly urinated on my fire, lol…

Its all good, really…

Oh good god, Money really? Did I offended you on my comments on here? Did I direct that comments to you? I apologies if I did. I am just commenting on here…lol Truly, I don’t really know…so sorry…Offending you is the listing I wanted to do. I think you have what it takes and I am really applaud that you never give up… I don’t really know how you trade or what your accomplished…I don’t know so I cannot really comment on that. Yes, you post the 5% gain whatever today, so do I have to comment on that too? LOL…

Cheer Up man… or someone just wanted a hug?:60:

You did direct your comments to me in your last 2 posts, at least thats how I seen it… I mean, Im the only crackpot here. And yes, I do need a hug, My life stinks, you have no idea PipnRoll…

I have no friends, I have no one to talk about my pitfalls in trading, I havent drank a beer or relaxed in 3 years, quit smoking, never had a vacation, alllll while taking care of a 6 month old all day long, along with 2 teens and trying to get better at my career.

The day starts bad when I have to park 3 blocks from my house, and carry a child all the while worring about getting jumped on the way home, because I have no place to park my car after taking my wife to work…

This is my only path to get out of here, and make life better for my family…

Its taking a toll on me, and I dont have years to make this happen. The 5 - 8 gun shots a day kinda makes you move a tad faster

No… You are not the only one who thinks is a crackpot (as your word) on here. I am sure there are a lot of us on here but they just don’t admit it. Like I said, man do not talk anything about there failures or what they are going through because they will feel like less Man. They are not like women that can talk it out with their “friends” and cry about it…

I am so sorry to hear how you feel and what you are feeling right now. Feel free to PM me or go to my thread (whichever you preffer and lets talk it out what is going on with you and maybe I can help or just vent… I do not want to side track billy’s thread because it is not right…Talk soon!

The reason I sound cynical about the topic of this thread is, it seems to highlight what I consider to be an element of failure in society. That failure involves the expectation of getting rich without work.

These forex markets are great to diversity one’s investment portfolio. But to rely on it to become rich is silly and reckless.

O, I put my work in, over 11,000 hours of chart time should qualify for “work”…

Reckless is trading with no direction, for rhyme or reason for your actions, but to say getting rich in forex is silly, isssss, well, silly.

You put in 8 hours a day, 7 days a week for nearly 4 years? Somehow I seriously doubt that. I doubt you put 1% of that time in.

The math doesn’t add up.

No offense to him…but if he can’t post proper math, how do we expect him to put together these charts and run technical analysis with any accuracy?

actually i put in 16-18 hours a day, weekdays charts, weekends Slow strat tester, for 30 months, only day off was X-mas, and its logged thru my posts thru the time here at Babypips… I started Sept 26th 2010… Just recently i have not been spending that much time, because of the birth of my kid in January…

I have no life outside of Forex, I turned hermit and dug in… Thats what it takes to master something…

So, no, Im not blowin smoke up anyones Arse, and a few here know Im not BSin…


I woke up at 5am, and watched the charts sometimes till midnight, so some days it was near 20 hours…

technical analysis is crap, by the way… Its mastering the flow and adaptation…

I don’t know if you want my advice, but if you are starting at the charts that long then you are putting yourself in a position to overtrade. Basically, the longer you are in front of the computer, the more you will convince yourself that you need to make a trade, and that leads to bad trades. Everyone has their own style, but you might do even better if you look at the charts in the morning, note and possible setups that are developing and when they will be at a point that you can trade on them, and then coming back at that time. Just my opinion, but staring at charts all day is a really terrible way to live. Trust me, I’ve been there.

Yeap, absolutly correct…

I have information over load… " I seen this before", goes thru my mind ALOT… Not to mention, my vision is horrible now… I can only see 3 feet clearly, but now looking at my hand 5 inchs from my face, i cant see the lines, and further then 3 feet, i have to sqint, going this week for glasses…

Also, my butt, had to see the doc because of blood flow from the chair… surprised i was able to have a kid to be honest…

But your correct about the over trading thing, especially since im a small time frame trader… But is it concidered over trading if you have a system? i just lose focus, thats my problem… Not to mention the hours and hours of research to make EA’s, which Im still horrible at… Just cant grasp that crap, lol…

But seriously man, no BS on the 11,000 plus hours, my family will vouch for that… My kids know alot about trading now… But i guess its better then leaving the homestead for weeks on end to make money… At least my family has access to me thruout the day…

It will pay off, Im sure of it… Look at surgeons, they have like 8-12 years to learn before making the real money…

Just to back up MNS here, although uncommon its not without precedent. In the early years (around three) I too put in an average 16 hours a day. Not because I thought I might miss a trade but in order to acelerate my understanding of how the ebb and flow of PA works. I think I must have tried out every ‘indi’ and ‘combo’ thereof too! :stuck_out_tongue:

Although I quite possibly aged 30 years in those first 3 years, I think on balance it was worth the investment in time. :smiley:

LoL, im sorry for your barbecue :wink:

If you can’t maintain your emotions under control, why not change a bit your trading system/style/risk? If I were trading the way you do, i would fail the same way, You are a human, put this on your trading plan…
What i mean is, why not to try to profit from what you are now, instead of trying to become someone that may take you many years to become. In other words, why not try to make for exemple 4% monthly, and put yourself a trading schedule or trade on higher tf, and then start increasing your goals and trading time, im pretty sure that with your 11k hours+the knowledge you have from your countless tries, you can get some profit, and it will be more comfortable to try to achieve your dream from, lets say, 4% monthly, than from the nothing.

Well, just my thoughts, anyway i wish you good luck.

Ps:To avoid overtrading and stupid decisions, before opening mt4 I open my chess game and play a fast game, if i win, it means im in the optimal mental state to trade, if i lose is because im too asleep, tired, bored or drunk. That easy. Thats why im here now instead of trading, LOL.

But seriously man, no BS on the 11,000 plus hours, my family will vouch for that…[/QUOTE]

The average hourly wage in the US is about $23 … So 11,000 X $23 = $253,000 … That’s $253,000 you could have had right now in your bank if you had never attempted trading and just put in the same effort into an average job… You could have stopped working at this point and still get about $25,000 annually (30 year annualized return on s&p 500) without doing a thing…

Or you could spend 11,000 hours trying to trade… And still not have an account over 4 figures. Just putting things into perspective here.

Who are we to say to him that he should stop? This is his choice of career then let him be. It is a free world after all…some people just takes time and people have bad days too… Let him do what he wants to do…

Do you know him personally? Have you talk to him lately? Do you know how he trades and what his strategy is? I doubt it…
We are living in a very judgemental society ( even in forums). We don’t know what they are going through. Before we say to someone he/ she should stop, why not talking to him or her and maybe you can find a way to " help".
It truly is a lack of compassion…

Trading is not destroying his life…yes, I’ve read it all and other things…as a newbie who just join in on here and only have 3 post. Tell me how did you get the conclusion you just made? Its fascinating how your first post is to judge someone…make your post count and have meaningful post than this…

Lol… Akeakamie?!

Money, there is some truth in what pizza and 80 says. However, this is your life and you can choose how you want to spend it. It doesn’t seem like either path is easy. Maybe find a balance and find a way to pursue both. That’s the beauty of trading. You can trade 1 min charts or spend less than an hour a day to find setups and trade the H4 chart. A useful tool in trading is to be honest with yourself and to self evaluate. You know that. So take a good look at your life and make your choice. Just trying to help :stuck_out_tongue:

If I become successful, I’d gladly lend a helping hand.