How to make a trading plan

how to make a trading plan


Yes, a reliable and accessible source.

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I’m glad I’m at least seeing clicks on the link you posted. The OP’s username is sus but it’s really nice that you still took the time to post links and answer the post seriously. :slight_smile: If it’s not the OP clicking them, at least others are!


Here are some things that any plan should have:
Goal Establishment.
Choosing a Trading Style.
Strategy creation.
Setting realistic expectations.
Comprehensive Market Analysis.

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many thanks for the moral support, @ponponwei , but honestly it’s a losing battle, here - and obviously not helped by the reality that 10 of the thread’s 13 replies above are from bots, and in spite of repeated requests apparently nobody’s willing to do anything at all about that as the other trading forums do - it’s “dispiriting,” to put it very mildly indeed :woozy_face:

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Maybe we should create a thread! And tag all the bots or something?? Kind of like a bot roll call lol

Like I wonder if they will even reply when summoned?? Are these run by bot-like humans or is it literally just code written to write responses and create threads here? :open_mouth: