How to Open trades

How do you when to open a trade?

Helloooo! :blush: I think it would help a lot if you check out the school here. :blush: I think there are a lot to consider (strategy, upcoming events, etc.) before opening a trade and it might help to go through the lessons to know them! :smiley: Have you had the chance to visit?

Here’s the link to the school:

How do you know when to open a trade?

1 Open a broker demo account (one where you get given paper money of no value, and you can practice opening and closing long and short trades.
2 Buy $100 worth of gold with no leverage. Do not set a target profit or a stop loss.
3. Watch how much its value fluctuates up or down.
4. If you can make a profit - even a very small profit, sell it.
5. Then short sell $100 worth of gold and repeat same items 2 thru 4.
6. If the first trade makes a loss, carry on.
Do this 10 times, and for each time, read one of the chapters of (1)Preschool and (2) Kindergarten each time you put a demo trade on. Learn How to Trade the Markets

Your practical experience of the mechanics of placing buy and sell trades will accelerate your understanding of the BabyPips school of pipsology.

Gradually use leverage (2:1, 5:1, 10:1) and observe the impact on the changing value of your balance.

After each trade (profit or loss) ask yourself why the value of your holding went up or went down, try to follow those that won more often than those that lost. After all, you have a 50/50 chance of winning. Figure out what the transaction cost are as a % of the trade values.

You will be learning so fast you won’t have time to think. Just do. Best of luck with it.

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Hey! That sounds like a great idea! Checking out the school can definitely help you understand strategies and upcoming events better before you trade. I haven’t visited, but I’d love to hear more about what you learn there! :blush: