How to put charts and thumbnails onto your post - the easy way

This is meant to be only a short thread, specifically aimed at Newbies but others may benefit also.

I will explain the method in three steps :

They are -

  1. Process your chart(picture) in Microsoft Paint.
  2. Upload your processed image into Image Shack.
  3. Copy/paste the resulting Url into your post on the forum.

[U]Knowlege assumed[/U] : I expect readers to be competant and familiar with operating a Windows system, in particular opening and finding new files.

The Image Shack website will be used.The Image Shack website loads images only with 1.5 megabytes or less. That is why Image Shack both resizes your image and gets it ready for posting onto a forum. However, I have found the resizing function to be tempermental so here is the better method.

                      [B][U]   STEP ONE[/U][/B]

[U]Preliminary [/U]
Open your live forex charts and choose the chart(picture) you want.
Press Print Screen on the keyboard then open Paint.
Edit/paste to get chart/picture into Paint.
Then File/Save As to get the chart/picture into a file of your choice (possibly My Pictures).


  1. Open the following website and load it into your Favourites. You will need it frequently.

ImageShack� - Image Hosting

  1. Use File/open with…Paint
    right click…open with/Paint

to load your picture into Paint. (Here it is resized to 1.5 megabytes)

[I]This post is long - continued next post[/I]


  1. Now click Image/stretch, skew as shown and enter into Stretch say 50% for both horizontal and vertical. (I have entered 54%)

By tymen1 at 2008-02-25

  1. click OK.

  2. Now click File/save as (give your resized picture a name) and enter this picture into a file of your choice.

  3. Right click on the picture in the file and click Properties. Read how many megabytes your picture is.

  4. If it is less than 1.5 Mb then good. But if greater than 1.5, then repeat the steps 2 to 6 with resizing untill you have the correct Mb. (I have achieved 1.47 Mb).

7)Once you have the correct Mb resized picture, save it in a file of your choice.

[I]It is late. I will continue this post tomorrow with STEP TWO.[/I]

[B][U]STEP TWO[/U][/B]

1)Open Image Shack (which should now be in your favourites section)

  1. Register with a user name and password. Once done, log in.

3)Your Image Shack should appear as follows :

By tymen1 at 2008-02-25

  1. Do as in the picture below :

By tymen1 at 2008-02-25

5)Finally click Upload and wait - your chart/picture will appear as a thumbnail in Image Shack with a number of dots next to it. Each dot has a purpose - simply move your mouse over them to find out the purpose of each one.


1)Choose your image from Image Shack to post.

  1. Click the first dot next to it (the little “i”)(share it).

  2. A window appears as below :

By tymen1 at 2008-02-25

  1. Then click the “forums” box. It will be highlighted.
    (In the picture above the forums box has already been highlighted by me. That is why it is in yellow/black.)

5)Copy/paste the highlighted section onto your forum post. It will appear as writing. When you “submit reply” on your post the complete picture will appear.

For thumbnails click the thumbnail size box instead of the full size box. The rest is the same.


[B]If this thread has been of use to you I recommend that you put it in your favourites section on your web browser. Better still, print it so that you have a hard copy[/B]

[B]Hope this all helps[/B]

Many thanks Tymen. d

yep. very good description. tnx

cheers Summerpip

Still getting the hang of this… and I must say that Paint is a POS for editing things.

Well done, Concept, keep going. I guess this is a thumbnail. Remember, you have 1.5mb as a maximum.

Your chart finishes with a powerful evening star/engulfing pattern.

Yes, paint is very useful. You can also open Microsoft Word, type some words and copy/paste these into Paint. (use Image, unclick Draw Opaque)