How to Recover After a Losing Streak: Practical Tips for New Traders

Losing streaks are a normal part of every trader’s journey, but they can be mentally and emotionally draining, especially for new traders. Having just gone through a losing streak myself, I wanted to share a few things that helped me recover and regain my confidence.

1. Trust in Your Approach

One of the most important things to remember during a losing streak is that losing trades don’t necessarily mean your strategy is flawed. In my case, I knew my approach worked. Almost all of my trades played out as I expected, but I was nervous and didn’t size appropriately. I didn’t handle the outlook of potential losses well. It wasn’t the strategy that needed fixing, but my risk management.

Tip: If your approach is proven and has worked in the past, focus on adjusting factors like position size and risk management rather than abandoning the strategy.

2. Losing Streaks Are Normal

It’s easy to panic when things aren’t going your way, but it’s important to keep in mind that most traders, even seasoned ones, go through losing streaks. I reminded myself that this is normal, and it happens to everyone at some point. Knowing this helped me stay calm and not let the losses shake my belief in my strategy.

Tip: Embrace losing streaks as part of the process. Remember that no trader wins 100% of the time, and setbacks are just temporary. Learn from them without being discouraged.

3. Only Trade What You Can Afford to Lose

I knew that I opened my live account with an amount I was comfortable losing. This gave me peace of mind and allowed me to focus on improving my trading without the fear of financial ruin. Trading with money that’s critical to your well-being puts unnecessary pressure on every decision, which leads to emotional trading and worse results.

Tip: Make sure your trading capital is an amount you can emotionally detach from. This allows you to take a logical approach to your trades, even when you face losses.

4. Seeing Trades Play Out Gave Me Confidence

Even though I faced some losses, seeing most of my trades eventually play out boosted my confidence to stick to my strategy. I was able to identify that the problem wasn’t my analysis, but rather my execution, due to poor psychological management and heavy sizing.

Tip: Review your trades objectively to see if your analysis was right, even if the trade didn’t go your way. This can help you identify where you can improve without losing faith in your overall approach.

5. Avoid External Influence

At the time, I was leaning on my mentor, Nick Shawn, who was trading under unusual circumstances due to broker issues. His actions—such as getting out of trades early—started to sway my judgment. I realized I needed to trust my own judgment and strategy, not someone else’s. This was a fantastic lesson that made me stand more on my own two feet rather than trying to rely on someone else.

Tip: It’s great to have mentors, but make sure you’re not blindly following someone else’s actions. Trust your strategy and judgment, especially if your mentor’s circumstances don’t align with yours.

Losing streaks are tough, but they don’t have to define your trading journey. By trusting your approach, staying calm, and managing risk properly, you can weather the storm and come out stronger. Btw I had tested this strategy in backtesting and forward testing on a demo account and it worked really well. Without having a clear idea of what you’re trading and that it does work, will get you into hells kitchen.

What helped you recover from your last losing streak? I’d love to hear your tips and experiences below!


Thanks for sharing sir


Thanks for sharing!

It’s good to know I’m not alone in facing losing streaks. :sweat_smile:

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Yeah they happen to pretty much everyone. Just look at Tom Hougaard last year. Months of losing yet he came out on top at the end of the year.

Interesting read! :blush:

I’m just curious about this one. :thinking: I think this is true, but sometimes, there are also benefits to exploring other systems and seeing how they work for you vs the one you’re using. :blush: How long do you think a losing streak should be before you decide to finally try a different strategy? :thinking:

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I don’t know. I know that Nick Shawn has experience 2 to 3 months per year breaking even or losing. Tom Hougaard was for months on a losing streak last year.

Apparently a hedge fund manager tested an algo system. In one year the system yielded a break even result in another year it yielded a 70x return.

Imagine trading this system for a whole year and you finally decide that it’s a break even system and throw it out. You’d have missed 79x return.

This is one of the reasons trading is hard. On one hand you need to be flexible and open minded and throw stuff overboard, on the other hand you need to persist long enough to not discredit something to soon.

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Thanks for the tips! Taking a short break after a losing streak helps me.

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So I probably still need like a max limit of losses before something has to change though right? Like 10 losers in a row means something isn’t right with my system.

Do you have a number like that?

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I don’t have a number in my mind. I was mentored by Nick and had a good deal of confidence that what I worked out with him is working indeed. If you do it by yourself, it gets a lot more complicated and harder to discern. I could rely on him at first to help me filter through things since he got 7 years of experience.

Absolutely! Mentors can offer valuable tips, but it’s really important to tailor their advice to fit your own situation. By the way thanks for sharing the tips !

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Glad it was useful. Hope your trading journey is going well!

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