How to reduce eroding Forex slippages that rust your Forex Balance

How to reduce eroding Forex slippages? Slippage is more likely to occur in times of higher volatility (perhaps due to market events) and it makes a market order at a specific price impossible to execute. Such times are when large orders are executed, when market orders are used and when there is not enough interest at the desired price level to keep the expected trade price.

Slippage is neither negative or positive movements, it is simply the difference between the expected purchase price and actual executed price. Since the corresponding securities are bought and sold at the most favorable price available, an order can result differently. In this situation, most forex dealers will execute the trade at the next best price. In forex world, the market prices changes fast and the slippage happens in times of delay between the order placed and its completion.

Slippage is the difference between the expected filled price of a trade and the actual price filled. In other words, when your trade is executed at worse price than requested, so it is “slipping” from the original order price. It happens between the time that a trader enters the trade and the time the trade is made. It can happen to everyone in any given trading market; stock, currency, or commodity.

This may be caused by an ineffective broker, increased liquidity and fast market. The forex market is very liquid and there are limited amounts of slippage.

Slippage is no longer a significant issue or cost if you move to long-term trading.

Yes. in case of long term. How many of % using in your total Balance?

My initial capital risk per forex or stock trade varies between 0.5% of capital and 2% of capital, average is 1%.

In one special case - when the US indices are all very bullish - I may go to 5% on a long position on the Dow.

Oh. Thank you for your kind reply.