How to report spam

Sorry to bother you all but I just tried to report spam and realized I do not know how. In an effort to obey forum rules and not flame the crap out this guy I would need to know how to report him to you all. Anyhow you might want to check out this thread

Hello bobmaninc,

You can report the post by clicking on the Flag icon in the bottom right-hand corner of every post,


The second option for reporting a post is by clicking the Flag button at the very bottom of the discussion.

We’ll ask you why you’re reporting the post before you submit the flag. The post gets reported directly to the moderation team.

Hope that helps!

I always wandered what that icon was lol I guess I should have tried it :smiley:



I don’t see button i am trying to report “tradingbusters” for trying promote his scammy course, please remove those posts:

Thank you

This is a limitation of your user status. You are considered a “new user” with a Trust Level of 0. As a “new user” you cannot do the following:

*Users at trust level 0 cannot:

  • Send private messages to other users
  • Reply as new topic in the right gutter (UI removed)
  • Flag posts
  • Post any images
  • Post any attachments
  • Post any hyperlinks in a post
  • Have actual links in the ‘about me’ field of their profile (will be silently and temporarily converted to plain text)
  • Mention more than 2 users in a post

More about Trust Levels:

These limitations are removed once your status in the Forums is promoted.

While this might be a limitation for you at present, it also prevents non-established community members or those with an agenda from registering simply to post a bad review or spam or some other illegitimate information. It’s not fool-proof by any means, but it’s a limitation that can be reversed with increased activity and engagement in the Forums.

Hope that better explains how we operate.


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