How to see all currency pair charts in one page only?

Hi guys,

Is there a way to see all currency pairs charts on one page only?
Like having a one web page.
And allow me to see all the charts of the pairs thru dragging the page, like a web page?

Thanks in advance.

You can open multiple charts on your platform. just drag the instruments from the market watch window to the workspace and from the toolbar you can arrange the chart windows in non-overlapping tiles.

Are you trading long-term or intra-day?

Long-term, I follow the 28 important currency pairs, though I mostly trade the 8 majors. For the long-term trades, I have identified what I want to see on a daily chart and entered these criteria against each pair on an Excel spreadsheet. The entry for each pair against each criterion wold be something like Yes/No/ Bullish/Bearish, a number value etc. - most of these are then coloured to indicate bullishness/bearishness or highlighted red for a warning marker. I spend more time looking at the spreadsheet than at the daily charts. The spreadsheet highlights potential targets for a trade (but not entry signals) and gives a perspective on overall market conditions. This means I only see what I need to find.

For intra-day trading I have only heard from serious traders that they focus on 1 or 2 or 3 charts only. Some expert traders really use only one pair to daytrade. I’ve never heard of anyone viewing all the pairs charts as a daytrader.

Most platforms will allow you to view multiple charts on the one screen. But how small are you willing to have your charts and how many pairs do you mean when you say you want all pairs. Some people have extra large screens and/or multiple screens. Then you can fit even more. As for me I just have a single 21.5” screen and I find MT4 with 4 charts is the most I like before everything gets too small.

If your talking about a trading platform usually you can set up a watch list which you can drag all the pairs into that you want to trade.