How to select precise Automatic Forex System?

Hello friends

I am doing manual trading from last 1 year, but now I want to do automatic forex trading. I was looking for a guide on automatic forex system & found this blog regarding this I was wondering that this infomation is correct or not.

If not then please suggest me automatic forex trading system.



Can’t see anything on the website about automatic forex trading, I would look else where.

Its very hard to separate good systems from “good” systems. Because if you make a nice ea, you will not sell it, you just make money with it alone. Kinda same as selling a cow that gives you milk every day :smiley:

Here’s a fresh thread about the issue: 301 Moved Permanently

Is there a good EA system in the market really? It’s hard to tell, but I am pretty sure 90% of whatever is out there is total scum. Like you say, why sell a profit making system, instead of capitalizing on it fully?


That was the main link of the blog.But if you are not able to access it then please check it out :Best Forex Trading Ideas – Use Automated Forex System | Forex Trading Education Course – Learn how to make money

I agree with you 100%!