How to start with $100 and turn it into 1 Million in 100 trading days!

Stops moved to BE on eur/usd positions… except the entry at 1.3295…this stop is at 1.3280.

gbp/usd entry at 1.5461 moved to BE also


Have another long order on eur/usd at 1.3302

stop 30 pips
taget 60 pips
risking 0.15%


Target on gbp/usd filled at 1.5561 is moved up to 15520


half of eur/usd closed at 1.3332 the position with a 40 pip stop, opened long at 1.3286.

0.085% profit

PS: correction…stop was 35 pips… 0.0986% profit

closed gbp/usd entry at 1.5461 at 1.5511… 50 pip profit

0.20% profit

stops moved to BE on gbp/usd long from 1.5480

closed out the long on eur/usd from 1.3295 at 1.3243

profit 0.148%

closed half of gbp/usd long from 1.5480 at 1.5515

profit 0.0875%

all remaining open eur/usd positions closed at 1.3360

will give numbers shortly

gbp/usd closed at 1.5532
0.1275% profit

Stellar night tonight. Every single order was profitable… every trade profitable, and I’m up 1.15%

Will update total profit next post.

Done for the night, unless I finish putting in my set ande forrget orders…in which case, if any of them trigger, I will take the trade.



Looking good, likley to end the month better than I expected… can’t complain.

Will post more later today.


Nice work! Do you think that march upward for EUR/USD has lost its steam, or just pausing for a bit? I picked up a nice return on that walk up, but I’m still trying to work out how to do my trailing stops to my benefit, so I gave some back. All in all looking good though. And I think overall we are still going to be moving down, so I’ll be looking for some more shorts.

Keep up the great work.


Sean…thanks for the comment. I think eur/usd will likely head up to about 1.3450 - 1.3600. From there…i’d like to look to get short


gbp/jpy short at 121.48

stop 30

target 30

risking 0.25%

closed half position at 121.24 - 24 pips

stop move to BE on the other half

0.10% profit

gbp/usd long at 1.5525,
31 pip stop, 45 pip target
risking 0.20%

And this brings me to 6 different trades. So, i’m done if this triggers.


Order cancelled: gbp/usd long at 1.5525

stopped out at BE on last half of eur/jpy short

Done for the day.

1.25% profit…never risking more than about 0.40% on a single trade idea. Very proud of today in fact. Everything worked perfectly. Literally… 5 trades, about 8-9 orders…all profitable.


I owe a lot of it to my weekend preparation, and my trade review. Lets see what tomorrow brings :slight_smile:


Ok guys… here is a set and forget. I’ll likely be asleep when it triggers, so the stops and targets will be automatic.

eur/usd long 1.3302
stop 39 pips
target 39 pips for first half
70 pips for 2nd half.
stops to BE at 31 pips


P.S. Risking 0.15%


Is that a setup that has its roots in the first two weeks of August? Trying to figure out the reasons you are calling that one. As I said in the webinar, the supply/demand logic makes sense, but I think I’m struggling with the actual interpretation of the chart.

Ah…Pax… this is my supply/demand level stuff squared, times 3, rounded down, and then split into 17 equidistant components each totaling not more than the original info :wink:

In other words…do not try to take the webinar info and decode these trades with it as your decoder ring. Most of these trades will likely not fit much of what I explained.

Remember, thos are some of my highest proability entry strategies…but I do a lot more than just daily sup/dem levels. This thread here is for me to grow as a trader…so i’m pushing different ideas, trying to develop a more comprehensive plan around all the various stuff I do.

It’s also to meet a challenge that will be very very cool if I can do so. Just to show others that yes…it is possible.

At any rate, I will post more sup/dem stuff up on my other free mentorship thread. Be sure to check it out more for pure longer term sup/dem level type trades! :slight_smile:
