How to start with $100 and turn it into 1 Million in 100 trading days!

profit target hit on long from 1.3303.

profit is 0.12%

closed eur/usd long at 70 pips

shor eur/usd at 1.3500 off a set and forget order.

got filled, risking 0.25%. stop is 1.3555, target 1.3380

covered half at 1.3460

stops to BE

covered at 1.3430

Good stuff Jay, ( On the EU Long ) before the absolute Madness, ( your not ususally around at this time, You Knew it,lol, Jobless claims keep u up?)

Keep rocking it Jay,

Moneyā€¦yaā€¦ I strongly suspected a move like thisā€¦ in factā€¦ I bet on it! It was the one trade I made today trading futuresā€¦made about $1200 thereā€¦

Basically, I thought the short squeeze was underdone from earlierā€¦ and we made a specific pattern shortly after london open that iā€™ve seen in markets beforeā€¦and it indicates usually insitutitional accumulationā€¦

furthermoreā€¦ weak hands were to the upsideā€¦ and there was a massive exotic position played under the low of the week. Basically, a very very big bet (hundreeds of milllionsā€¦likley over 500 million) was placed in such a way it was almost begging to have its bluff called. and anyone making such a bet with tight stops would either be incredibly dumbā€¦ or very very smart. Long story short, I figured 500 mil + knows somethign we don;tā€¦so I pushed to the long side all dayā€¦with one final 100 pip target.

And of courseā€¦then the rest of us found outā€¦ and the euro jumped 200 pips.

I also hit a ā€œset and forgetā€ order to short around 1.3500ā€¦so it worked out both coming and going :slight_smile:

It was a great dayā€¦ lol. and people want a ā€œholy grailā€. Nothing Doing. Itā€™s time, practice, patience, understanding, taking input and information from all sourncesā€¦and acting on it with conviction.

Other than that thoughā€¦trading is easy :stuck_out_tongue:


^ do you daytrade???

Hmmm. what exactly do [I]you[/I] mean by ā€œdaytradingā€? This is what I would consider my primary style of tradingā€¦yes.


Do you night trade to???

Ok guysā€¦ 6 entries, 6 profitable trades. A total of 1.274% profit.

[B]account balance stands at: $1041.22[/B]

Soā€¦ this project actually started over at my mentorship thread on about october 30th, and moved over here around nov 6th. This is the last day in november for me, so ā€¦ and I figured now was a good time to give the final numbers for about the first month of this project.

profits for this so far are approx: 4.122%

Now, this will not get me to my end goal of being able to generate a middle class american income within 36 months, but my averge risk per trade was no more than 0.30% per trade. Had I averaged a 1% risk per trade, I would have brought in approx. 13.74% profit for the month.

At 13.74% profit for the month, I should have no problem acheiving my goal within 36 months.

Furthermore, I expect this month to be one of the worst months of all for the following reasons:

  1. For one week, I traded only a single day, and dropped the account by over 2.25%. This was due to trading without a plan, and therefore making emotional mistakes. Had I just not had this one day, I would have likely increased my monthly profit by about 30%. I will not have another day that is so fraught with emotional, impulsive, irrational mistakes.

  2. This month started the holiday season. Besides december and January, this is the worst month for holidays, low liquidity, and higher than usual volatility.

  3. I have worked through some of the details in my trading plan, and I have found some less obvious leaks in my game that I have since plugged. These should not be issues in the future.

  4. I have a more structured routine to start my weekā€¦ and this will help prevent impulsive decisions, and also take advantage of more opportunities that I have been otherwise unprepared for.

  5. As I continue to develop my own trading plan further, it will grow to minimize my shortcomings and maximize the opportunities.

For these reasonā€¦I see my own trading plan as the most important part in my own growth. I will post up more on this in the following post.

Anyway, thanks for the comments guys. I appreciate the interest. I get more out of this when you all participate too :slight_smile:


P.S. Really excited to see what the next 4 weeks bringsā€¦as this should give us all a better idea if I will actually hit this goal or not.

Ya Know!


Here is an excerpt of my trade review for a losing trade I took here on 11-13 in eur/usd. I am posting this up so you can all see the process I go through to try to determine why a trade I took lostā€¦and if i should learn anything, or even implement any sort of rule to guide it in the future.

Please let me know if this helps any of you. If not, I wonā€™t post more. If soā€¦I will try to do so when I feel it may be appropriate and not TOO invasive in my own privacy :slight_smile:

My Trade Review:

Eur/Usd long on 11-13 at around 11:11 pm PST
Profitable trade, but not even 1:1, and trade barely got 10 pips on that first half
Also, same trade idea re-entered at 1.3758. 25 stop, 50 target. just plain lost here

Reasons trade lost:

Problem -
Went long just as price hit a 1hr level in a virgin daily sup zone not even 60 pips above my entry.

Lesson - do NOT trade against a fresh daily sup/dem zone. period.
Lesson - do NOT take a trade against any virgin 1hr or 4hr level within a fresh daily sup/dem zone

Rule - do not take any AMSH trade against a fresh daily sup/dem zone.
Rule - do not take any AMSH against a virgin 1hr or virgin 4hr level in a non-virgin daily zone


These rules then go into my trading plan under the filters section of my entry criteria of my actively managed short term trades (AMSH trades). I then have a checklist, and once on the checklist, it takes a body of evidence to realy take it offā€¦ so my plan only tightens up loose ends, while remaining flexable enough to allow me to modify it if needed.

Do you guys do something like this? If soā€¦what? Can you post it up?

would like to hear from the rest of you on this matter of trade reviewā€¦


Eur/Aud - long at 1.3140

stop 60 pips

target 120 pips

risking 0.20%

I see where youā€™re going with this one. Got my eye on it myself. Although I need confirmation from a daily close before I engage.

If it sets up right, it could get far more than 120 pips:D

And it looks very very promising already.

Good luck with it!

closed out 1/2 of position on eur/aud long at 1.3165.

Thanks Tang! I hope I didnā€™t just get too greedyā€¦ Iā€™m seein the eur/usd sell off to at least the asian session lows, as I think we could still push up in eur/usd a bit more hereā€¦ But with that type of selloff to the asian session lows, eur/aud will drop a bit.

CLosed half my position at +25 pipsā€¦will re-enter on a pullbackā€¦and I do hope we get one!

I may take an entry that would require much larger stopā€¦butā€¦wellā€¦ anyway. Iā€™m still in half the trade, so it canā€™t go that badā€¦ and iā€™ve moved stoped ups to 1.3116ā€¦ this should now prevent any losses in this trade.

Not bad. canā€™t lose now. with profit. and i get a chance to make more should I get the expected pullbackā€¦ which so farā€¦looks like it MIGHT just happen.


short eur/usd @ 1.3457

30 stop
30 target
risking 0.1%


correctionā€¦filled at 1.3456

Iā€™ll shine the Bat Light if my super decoder ring signals a solid entry :smiley:

long at 1.3151 on eur/audā€¦ risking 0.05% with a 40 pip stop

120 pip target