How to start with $100 and turn it into 1 Million in 100 trading days!

golly…that sounds great MT! (but seriously…ya…cool :slight_smile:


long eur/aud at 1.3173

risking 0.15%

70 pip stop
100 pip target

closed eur/usd short at +1 pip

short eur/usd @ 1.3460

27 stop

31 target

risking 0.15%

eur/aud long at 1.3198
stop 40 pips
target 120 pips
risking 0.10%

limit order (breakout). will be filled when price moves up to 1.3198

closed half of eur/usd short at 20 pips.

stops moved to BE.


closed eur/usd short at 1.3444

long at 1.3443 - filled

50 pip stop
75 pip target
risking 0.10%

also, long at 1.3425 pending
40 pip stop
80 pi ptarget
risking 0.20%
EDIT: now filled at 1.3425

both eur/usd

long on eur/usd at 1.3420
27 pip stop
90 pip target
risking 0.08%

EDIT: Stops moved up to B/E.

eur/aud long from 1.3151 close at 1.3224
profit 0.0912%

Also, half of eur/aud from 1.3198 closed at 1.3228

closed half of eur/aud opened at 1.3173, for 50 pips profit
0.0535% profit

half of eur/usd long at 1.3425 closed at 1.3455
40 pip stop…30 pips of profit on half position

Ok everyone. As it stands right now, I have 0.3987% profit for the evening, and I have a few entries into the market that are still in play right now:


long on eur/usd at 1.3420
27 pip stop
90 pip target
risking 0.08%

EDIT: Stops moved up to B/E.


long at 1.3443 - filled

50 pip stop
75 pip target
risking 0.10%


also, long at 1.3425 pending
40 pip stop
80 pi ptarget
risking 0.20%
EDIT: now filled at 1.3425

long eur/aud at 1.3173

risking 0.15%

70 pip stop
100 pip target



eur/aud long at 1.3198
stop 40 pips
target 120 pips
risking 0.10%



Eur/Aud - long at 1.3140

stop 60 pips

target 120 pips

risking 0.20%
0.04166% on half.
0.1416% on the other half…clsoed at 1.3225


closed eur/usd long from 1.3425 at 1.3472
profit 0.1175% on 2nd half

closed all remaining eur/aud postions at 1.3210

eur/usd long fromn 1.3420 is closed out at 66 pip profit at price 1.3486
0.1955% profit

CLOSED EUR/USD long from 1.3443, 58 pips
0.116% profit

I have to find an easier way to track and post these trades!


Here is the final list for the trades taken and posted here in realtime. I had to piece this together… actually rather tedious.

I will come up with a worksheet of sorts to make this task easier. I can only imagine what review would be like if half of these lost!


Eur/Aud - long at 1.3140

stop 60 pips

target 120 pips

risking 0.20%

PROFIT - 0.1583%


short eur/usd @ 1.3457

30 stop
30 target
risking 0.1%


correction…filled at 1.3456



long at 1.3151 on eur/aud… risking 0.05% with a 40 pip stop

120 pip target

0.0737% profit


long eur/aud at 1.3173

risking 0.15%

70 pip stop
100 pip target

0.0931% PROFIT


short eur/usd @ 1.3460

27 stop

31 target

risking 0.15%

PROFIT 0.10%


long at 1.3443 - filled

50 pip stop
75 pip target
risking 0.10%
0.116% PROFIT

also, long at 1.3425 pending
40 pip stop
80 pi ptarget
risking 0.20%
EDIT: now filled at 1.3425
PROFIT 0.1925%

both eur/usd


long on eur/usd at 1.3420
27 pip stop
90 pip target
risking 0.08%

EDIT: Stops moved up to B/E.
0.1955% PROFIT




In spite of the disorganized trade tracking… profits are up, and this is yet another day this week without a single losing order.

As of tomorrow…I will bump all orders up to a minimum of 0.3% risk per order, and 0.90% risk per trade.

Things are moving along now… looking forward to a more organized order entry method, and more success!


Man, you are rockin this Jay! Keep up the good work.

I hit a funk on that large move up two days ago with the euro and the pound, getting burned significantly with both of them, in a live account. I’ve halted live trading to regroup, because it really demonstrated that I am not using a proven strategy and I was completely caught unaware.

I had demo’ed for a few weeks, and had a string of good trades, I think above 75% success, and moved the demo account from around $8500 to around $11,300. This made me think I might be ready for a live account, so I dropped in $485 and moved that up to $530 within a couple of days or so. So I added more, bringing it up to $2300, and since then nothing but downhill to $1660.

So, I need to pick up some basics that I realize I’m lacking in knowledge regarding. Starting with risk management. So when you say you are “risking .08%” does this mean .08% of your account at entry, or does it mean maximum loss with the stop loss? And are you talking about moving your risk amount higher next month because you feel that the system has been proving itself, or simply because the account size is increasing?

I’ve started watching the YouTube vids to try to pick up what you are doing with supply/demand, and I don’t know if others have had this same thought, but it seems to be too grainy to pick up on what the candles look like where you are drawing your supply and demand zones. From attending the webinar (which was also grainy, all of it really being an issue with available bandwidth, nothing you are doing incorrectly) it seems like what those candles look like is a key part of the strategy, being that it is not just about highs and lows, but a particular type of response to the highs and lows in the fulfillment of orders. So I’m wondering if you might have the original videos that you recorded on your computer that could be directly transferred, as they maybe of higher video quality than what makes it out to the web.

Also, I don’t want to take up too much thread time here, but I’m working on a strategy that will probably come across as childish, which makes sense, because I certainly could be considered to be a child in terms of forex experience, but if it works to make me even slightly consistently profitable, it is a good starting point. I didn’t want to presume, but I’m wondering if I can drop you an email with an overview of what I’m developing and get some feedback. I have your email address already, just wanted the green light. I am also willing to post it to the thread and have it critiqued, but I didn’t want to distract too much from the purpose of your thread.

One last question. Do you do back-testing, and if so, how do you do it? Is it all programming, or can you use a demo account, and go back to a certain point in time and manually trade forward for a period to see how it plays out? I’ve heard also that there are issues with data going back more than 2 years, things like averages used rather than OHLC, etc.

Sorry for the long post!

