How to trade the forex market

Hello, my name is Victor and I’m here just to learn more about the forex market, thank you

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Welcome to the forum, and yes the School is there for you

How to trade forex.

  1. Open account with a forex broker.
  2. Confirm identity with broker.
  3. Add funds to the account.
  4. Download trading platform.
  5. Decide what to trade.
  6. Trade.

Want any simpler?

Wana learn more about forex? its simple.

  1. Go through the school of pipsology
  2. Filter off the unnecessary information based on your preferred method or mode of trading
  3. Relearn and develop a trading system around the filtered information
  4. Be desciplined enough to ignore all the noise from all around social media about trading and stick to the system you developed.

You are good to go.


Better try this: Learn Forex Trading at School of Pipsology -


I would suggest this would be a fast track to losing all of the funds.

Better is :
1.Open a demo account with a regulated broker and confirmed identity…
2. Choose the account size, which could be $500 or less for beginners…
3. Choose and download a trading platform.
4. Decide what to practice and experiment on.
5. Have fun trading while learning from this site.
Best of luck.

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Welcome Victor! You’re in the right place to learn. Feel free to ask any questions and the community is here to help you on your trading journey. Happy learning!

Hey there, welcome to the forum! Here are a few tips that might come in handy for you:

  1. Take the time to learn about the markets, trading strategies and financial instruments.
  2. Don’t let fear, greed, or other emotions dictate your trading decisions.
  3. Don’t rush into trades impulsively. Wait for the right opportunities.
  4. Consider exploring copy trading, especially if you’re new to forex. It allows you to copy trades of expert traders. Try checking out some reputable copy trading platforms, such as zulutrade or pelican, to begin your journey.

Feel free to explore and learn as you go along. Happy trading! :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Hello Victor! How’s your learning going so far? Hope you’re still around and good luck on your trading journey!