How to use tradeview

How do I use tradeview, would anyone have a video related to the topic so I can move on

So why have you chosen this particular broker - is it because of Maltese regulation, or it’s spreads, or maybe someone has recommended.

Then again perhaps you mean Tradingview because of it’s charts?

Maybe you want to learn chart reading - if so don’t just jump in - first learn.

Okay, I can learn first. Could you give some good instructions for this

Not sure your motivation - if it is to make money then sadly trading may not be your path.

If it is that you have an interest in trading but not to put bread on the table, then maybe your chances are better.

Then again you want to learn trading but not really sure why then that is good - a seed has been sown so follow that - be assured the learning curve is measured not in weeks, nor in months, but in many years.

Then again if you are just doing a little role play - then that too is good :slight_smile:

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A good demo will at least make money when I teach myself

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demo is important but the knowledge we get from demo , actually not works in a real account , this is the main problem.

Not a video tutorial but maybe this could help you: