I know everywhere you read that paper currency and coinage are being used less often. Will the transition from a paper to plastic negatively affect the Forex? A part of me thinks it won’t, because even if were are using mini money and things like that we are still using currency. I am not sure, can anyone shed some light on this for me?
I never thought of that Trader, I am assuming you are correct in your reasoning. Since we are still using currency, just in another form, there shouldn’t be any negative repercussions. Shouldn’t doesn’t mean there won’t be though…
I agree, currency is currency no matter what it is made of. It is silly to think because it is plastice instead of paper, that the market is going to suffer. Besides, I think the transition is going to be slow enough that it will not have a negative effect.
Good question, but like the last post said it is a very slow transition. It started with debit cards years ago, and they are just now getting to the point that everyone has one. I wouldn’t worry about it at all.
I guess that is true, I never thought about the fact that we started the transition years ago. I guess I overlooked somethings, before I started to wig out.
Going from physical to digital will not do anything, until there will be one single currency. And digital form will encourage that.
yeah I am agree with your statement.if use plastic instead or in case of paper then it will be hectic for everybody .
its better that we use online transfer.I have one service where we can do things easily
Currency Online - Foreign Currency Exchange, Money Transfers, International Payments
Money is money whatever the format. No one can reject money due to its format.
Currency, whether it is in paper or plastic, is not going to have much of an impact… a better idea would be to use the landfill, recycle that plastic and use it for printing the cash out…
Money is that which is in public circulation either it is (Soft money) made of paper or in hard money (Coins) designated by the governing body.
No worries I use the paper and coins, truck stops deal with lots of cold hard cash,plastic can be hacked but not cash lol.
Yes we can use any type of money what ever it made of paper or plastic.
Interesting topic, I’ve never think of it. I don’t think there will be any affection of the forex market.
I think that forex is only affected by security and economic of country.
Exactly,regardless the form of money it still remains the Almighty Money,nothing changes it meaning.