Howdy from Texas

Hi everyone!

I’m Justin and I’m new to FOREX and Babypips. I’m 28 from Texas and I’ve been trading for about 2 years now. I started with stocks and now I moved away from that to trade options. I’m finally profitable and I’m starting to understand the trends. I was curious about Forex so I looked into it and learned some things that I didn’t know. The biggest plus for me was the time that the market was open. My goal is to learn and master this skill so that I can make even more with my options trading.

So far I’ve learned so mush in a short amount of time about Forex. This site has been a great way to learn. Now I’m encouraging my family and friends to get on here and learn.

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Oh nice! Welcome to babypips!

Have you also joined other forums for equities and options trading?

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No I haven’t. I’ll have to check those out. Thanks!

Oh no, I mean if you found other forums that are like babypips but for those markets. Sorry for the confusion!

I think I read that wrong (Reading fast). I have not found any other forums like this for those markets. Just a tried out a few discord chats. I found a small group in a chat that I like to trade with. We do pretty good.

Yeees! :blush: That’s great. :stuck_out_tongue: I tried doing this with my family but they were just very skeptical. :sweat_smile: But anyway, welcome to BP! I’m excited to get to know more about you and your trading experiences!! :blush:

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Thanks! I have some skeptical people too. They think it’s all a scam. It’s so funny to me. I’m still pushing them to learn it though. They’ll come around eventually.

welcome justoshow. see you around.

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