Hye all traders

I am Aqif from Malaysia. I am interested to join Forex Trade. But i don’t know which Forex company is the best. Please help me to choose the correct Forex company. I need all of you to help me…i don’t want to be cheated by any Forex company.

Greetings Aqif and welcome to the forums! Since you’re interested in forex trading, have you checked out our School of Pipsology to learn about the forex markets, as well as the fundamentals of analysis and risk management? There’s also a section that can guide you on picking the best broker for your needs found here. We hope this helps and good luck!

Just saying hello from Germany. I have been trading for quite some years, but I always loved the babypips website, and especially the news summaries. Nowadays I find it easier to trade Gold, Oil and the Indices, but shouldhavewouldhavecouldhave…:24:… the FX pairs start to trend again Ill be back on track ! My best wishes for your success and no commercial content or offers please - I wont dish out anything either. Thanks ! Mike :57:

aqif92, I thought FX is not allowed in Malaysia, but in any case I would choose a big reputable broker such as Forex.com or Oanda, other brokers that I have heard of that are recognized as good in Asia are VantageFX, Blackwell Forex, FXprimus and hotforex.com. Apart from that, you can check if Axi Trader accepts people from Malaysia. If you have more capital you can also trade on a multi-product platform such as Philip Futures and their Oasis entry order module. Good luck !