I admit it, I purchased Anton Kreil NEW 2,999 $ Forex trading cource

[B]I admit it, I purchased Anton Kreil NEW 2,999 $ Forex trading cource [/B]

Yes you read correct I , Anton kreil offer a forex cource too …

[B]To be honest I bought both of Anton kreil his 2999 $ professional trading masterclass.[/B]

A good friend of me typical a fundamental trader ,
Told me he was interesting to purchase one of kreil courses , I told him is crazy to use 2999,- .
For something you easy can find cheap /free over internet ,

[B]To make the story short I purchased both of Anton kreils cources over internet for 99 $ , lifetime access to his course`s ,
I calling my friend and told 100 $ bucks and you got the course’s , So in practice I have got them free …

[B]Is it worth the money NOOOO , way …
Is 80 % fundamental so in practice you learning to think like every analyst from a bank ,

I will never ever use my time to listen to almost 60 videoes , But he is a master to make fancy excel sheet , that have he a talent for.

But market do no care if you are master one excel or not …

Everybody know about Anton kreils crusade againt MCM…

So I will give his courses to middle class moron organization, they will give it free to everybody who want it , so Anton Kreil will no longer have afford to take business class ticket more only economical class … As other MCM


So after all the insults

you bought his course

…not me…


I am speechless.

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pip me happy one important thing do you dont have money to purchase it,

I sold it to my friend for same price i bought it for 99 $…

I would be a pleasure for me to give it free for every living person one this planet so Anton kreil do not make or cheating money from new traders …
the course is not worth 2999 $ or 1495 $

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“… but meanwhile, I’ll do him a big SEO favour anyway, and give him a free backlink to it (which he wouldn’t be able to get himself), from one of the web’s leading trading forums”?

Not at all Lexys , Im Anton Kreils nightmare , To inform that everyone can download Anton kreils "master courses " for free …

Who do think paying for Kreils living style , he love to brag about , business class , 5 star hotel…
his trading, no no , from people who is paying for his courses

Yes, I think we all understood your post.

I’m not sure you understand mine, though: I was trying to make the point that the link you provided was helpful to Mr Kreil’s search engine optimisation, because it was a backlink from a highly regarded, [I][U]relevant[/U][/I] site (i.e. this one) which Google loves. But the moderator has kindly removed it now, anyway - so no problem there.

(I’ll leave the issue of breaches of copyright for others to judge for themselves, but it’s certainly a good way of getting websites taken down, if/when injured parties complain to their hosting companies under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, by which even many hosting firms outside the US consider themselves effectively bound.)

Lexus to, info … You will find exact same link I sent in my post in an another Anton Kreil thread on this forum, so I think that a link to or from are less importance for Kreil wallet …

Fortunately you can buy all overpaid trading courses for a fraction over the internet .so I do not know how effective Digital Millennium Copyright Act, are …

to be honest financial markets is the place where people make/lose BILLIONS!! Why on earth would someone teach you the “SECRETS” for a few grand?


Hi Torulf,

Did you completed Anton’s materials? It seems he explained only few stats. But I am not sure if it really worthy. I have completed first 12 videos. But doesn’t seem to be worth. Any sugeestion on this

Of course is not, hearing Kreils bragging voice , Not worth to pay money one Anton material …that way i want to give it free to everybody …i want Anton kreil to take economical air ticket like us other deadly people -
and bicycle -not taxi …

But people pay 3K instead of to pay 0 K …

Anton krill course give you a basic fundamental understanding of the market that all…

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Hi, I am looking for the spreedsheets of the course, can you send me?

Hi, I am looking for the same thing, Can you provide an email or a link where I can download it. Thank you and much appreciated.

Thank you for sharing your story and for the advice, I always thought those paid for courses must be overcharged.

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Everyone has a different approach…Anton Kreil does this professionally and has a macro view.

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I have been interested in this course but have been scared off by the price tag, do you still have this course and material?

Hi torulf39, thanks for helping out to offer these videos.
Am I too late? will it still be possible if you can share these videos with me?
Would really appreciate if you can respond and share.
I’ve also been interested in this course for a while, off course i cannot buy those 3000 US$ course :frowning:

Many Thanks

Like seriously I am always shocked when I see upcoming traders or pro traders bad mouthing other pro traders materials or courses.

Truth is you either pay for the material/course or you try getting those same materials/experience for free on your own. why insult them.,

Its not like if you get the materials, its going to be anything different from what you already know about forex. I always tell traders who really want to know how to trade that learning directly from a pro shortens your learning curve because.

  1. You are learning from someone who is already a pro, hence psychologically you already know “It is Possible”

  2. You are taking a shortcut that will boycott all the trial and errors you will go through in trading which may cost you extra years

  3. Sometimes getting a pro’s assistance is that thin line that separates you from those who never make it in trading

In my opinion, if you can do it on your own, FINE…however don’t tarnish what others have labored for years to attain simply because in your opinion its too expensive or its not worth it. NOT EVERYONE HAS THE PSYCHOLOGICAL/MENTAL CAPACITY TO LEARN STUFFS ON THEIR OWN.

So please, if something doesnt work for you, do not condemn it, you can easily say “I didnt learn FX through that route” that’s better than out-rightly condemning it ,

Thanks you


Did anyone here watch million dollar traders on BBC (also on youtube now) which had Anton Kriel [the trader who created the course we are talking about] and Lex Van Dam in as the hosting traders?

Quite a good short series of how they took a group of everyday people and tried to start a hedge fund by teaching them the ways to trade from the ground up.

Although I can’t comment on his course, I can say that he was a professional ex city trader in London. I had the pleasure of meeting him back in my university days after getting in touch with him through Facebook - ironically, I didn’t think it would work, I was quite surprised.

Fist episode here >>

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I was planning to buy this course until I read this…
do you think it’s worth it?
Please advice.


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Any response from him yet?

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