I always lose, what should I do?

Just a question mate ? Ok
was this last comment directed at me ?
i mean, you didn’t address it to me. so i guess that’s a No
and you said “Namaste” which i’m assuming is directed at the OP, Maybe

but given my last response, it might be directed at me
so… was it ?
because if you think i don’t understand, I’ll tell you ahead of time, you’d be gravely mistaken , just a heads up
so was this directed at me or not ?

Martin, saying “ARE YOU STUPID OR WHAT” in response to someone admitting that they felt suicidal, isn’t going to make the guy feel great, is it?
I know you mean well but we all react differently to pressures, so although my post wasn’t aimed at you per se, the message in it is just asking people to stop and think for a second.

Im not at all sure what you’re asking about my use of “Namaste”, can you expand?


Only because i don’t understand it’s meaning and therefore concluded on that basiss that the comment was not aimed at me , that’s all

No, but they don’t feel great anyawy
and neither is losing his entire account going to make him feel great
also you want to disuade a person from committing suicide , that’s what i’m doing

we do all react different to pressures, but wanting to commit suicide is not a reaction, it’s a level on which one is basically out of control and no longer knows what to do , and the PRESSURE is too much to bear and they therefore conclude… oh well, i guess the only answer is Suicide because they need a release from the pain.

do we want to comfort and baby the person through this time or do we want to ensure that they never do this again ?
do we want to perhaps toughen them up a bit and give them THE TOOLS by which to deal with these issues in the future.

so thank you for understanding i mean well. AND I DO
but i do what i do for a reason, and that reason is not to demean them, Not at all
although i do clearly understand that they believe it is (and obviously so do you ) for now.

I know what you’re saying mate, don’t worry, i’m not new to this game.
be cool

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mate, pls read the whole thread…

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I Have read it

mate, this conversation is getting pointless and boring … ok

Look, Point is

  • You didn’t kill yourself… Good
  • You were giving the OP compassionate advice… Good

Now as long as you have learned your lesson and you dion’t kill yourself I’M GOOD WITH IT… ok

i can see this becoming a long and pointless conversation
after all THE OP is doign good at the moment anyway… so what’s the point of our debate ?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Newbie asking for help

My 2 cents…

  1. Try not to make Success at Forex life or death. Have a realistic plan as Martin suggested so that you arent living and dying by every Pip movement or loss.

  2. Everybody…use capital “I” to refer to yourself
    .even in fora/forums like these,emails etc. For some reason it helps you to feel better about yourself…and can be an indicator of low self esteem…which the Forex will smell like blood to sharks.

  3. To avoid pain of failure…trial and error…try to find a strategy that already works in terms of the Rate of Return you want that will achieve your goals.No need to reinvent the wheel if it already exists. Only if you cant find it then try to create it on your own.

Remember that unlike other industries, there is no set syllabus or 4 yr programme in Forex. This means it can take decades for most to come up with something that works on your own because of the hundreds of factors involved.

Finding something that is already profitable will save a lot of unnecessary time and money…and will help to avoid choosing the wrong mentor/advice that is just general and nice sounding.



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Exactly and i’ll give my 2cents so we have 4

cents :stuck_out_tongue:

on this point… IN MY OPINION, Forex should be a means to an end.
Everyone starts forex for 1 of 2 Reasons

Reason 1 - You Just love the financial markets and it’s better than sex (god help you if you do :stuck_out_tongue: but i can understand it ) so you are like me and computers and Electronics but with Cash or like Goldfinger with Gold.
i doubt most people are though

Reason 2. - You go into it because you want financial freedom… You want money, that Money is SUPPOSED TO MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER
Now i feel like i need to put up a picture here
Taken from the Movie “Mr Deeds”



Long Fellow Deeds : AND WHAT DO YOU DO NOW

Rich Texan : i own a chain of Slaughterhouses

LongFellow Deeds : well… YOU KINDA WENT THE OTHER WAY ON THAT ONE… DIDN’T YOU :stuck_out_tongue:

@rmahin other than being a Miniion :stuck_out_tongue: what did you start forex for ?
i bet you didn’t say to yourself “I’M GOING TO START FOREX SO IT CAN FIRETRUCK MY LIFE AND I WILL GET THE URGE TO KILL MYSELF” :stuck_out_tongue:

I"m thinking it was more like
"I want to take control of my life and get financially free and be proud of myself and have others be proud of me "
At least, you almost did .

we go into forex to make money and make our lives easier. THAT’S THE POINT.
it’s a means to an end
now you can either make it work or you can’t, if you can’t … don’t do it


I’d proffer a 3rd reason, Curiosity.
I enjoy learning new skills, like many. Sports, martial arts, music, languages, website design and seo, I even took 2 university degrees out of interest.
It was my better half who suggested fx, so here I am.
Goodness knows what I’ll do next

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I can relate to that !

It’s just a game and the money is just a way of keeping score.

everytime i look up babypips forum and the nonsense rabbling and fights (and especially this thread) this is what i see in my inner eye


Huge number of people lose money here because they do not learn about the facts which tend to move the market. I advise to all of you people before messing up with indicators, try to know the basics of the trading.

Actually a huge number of being lose because they are stupid and greedy

but when you put aside the idiots
you then have this…

Following the market trend is not a problem if you can identify the trend correctly.

So if the market only trends 20% of the time and we guess the trend correctly 50% of the time does that mean we’ll only ever be right 10% of the time. That’s got knobs on it.

So how do you identify the trend. Please help.

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Apparently I have been unflaged and can reply to this now so I assume it is ok.

To answer your question there are two sides to the fund. 1 is trading and 2 is educational and I suppose you should include a 3. support of a worldwide network of traders both learning and funded.

Having been a teacher/instructor in another life at the community college level and then in a trade school I was alarmed at the way a large portion of the student population that had no no skin in the game and just should not have been there in the first place. Even after teaching the lessons, then resorting to reviewing the test questions and answers in advance and then passing out the test in advance allowing open book usage etc. I gave up and quit.

Having said that and been around the block a few time in business if the student like an employee has no skin in the game the performance is lack lust at best.

As time goes on I will endeavour to dispel any negative feelings of this “is this to good to be true” attitude.

Thanks for having BP it’s a great place to learn and gain valuable insight.

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Negative feelings come when one not picks earning as he thinks and plans for it.He should go for more practice , not be feared always these feelings and emotions also effect on your trading psychology. Forex is some how difficult to trade live , it is possible for just practice.

Hi Bob, for me that’s the easy part. First on the weekend I do a weekly strength and analysis worksheet AKA S&W worksheet. When the trading time comes I have already selected pairs in a bull or bear trend and those in consolidation zones getting ready for a breakout.

Then I start at one or two higher time frame than I am usually planning my trade from. For example I usually trade off H1 for day trading so I’ll look to D7 and lower to make sure all is in alignment/agreement, if not I move on.

If good I drop down to the 5M for an entry. I always enter on a like cadle close, I. E. if it bullish then I want an bullish candle and vica versa.

I don’t use the M1 because of the noise but I want a corresponding set of like candles so I use the 5M.

I feel that and I have check it several times that if a trader enters on the matching entry candle there is a much greater possibility of a winning trade.

Oddly my win-loss ratio almost 100% matches my matching cangle ratio! go figure.

Make sense?

Yes avoid too much pairs seeing at a time for trading just focus on 2 to 3 pairs see their movement then decide about trading. When one is loosing continuously it shows his weakness in trading he needs more practice to know about market then he will be able to open position at right side that will not go always to loss.

Definitefely experience will giving some trader valuable lesson on their life, facing with many times loss or margin call account, will become valuable lesson if in fact not easy to making profit on trading, and then we can make new rules how to safe trading low risk, and built up good mindset if actually forex is not easy way to get rich at short time