I always lose, what should I do?

You’re welcome, hope it helps you - It certainly helped me :relaxed:

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Yes because it only for newbie trader, might will useless for profesional trader, but still so many trader having interested to active on forum, looking tons information regarding ins and outs of forex business.

Yes, restarting from the demo is a good advice for him! Traders need to use the demo until they are making consistent money here; without proper knowledge & skill it’s too tough to exist here! That’s the reality.

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you need good mentor

Falstaff: what about Market Trend or Trading Trend ?

In my whole trading career I lose many times in during news above all when I was a newcomer , and still after passing a minimum time in this market place I can’t make profit consistency when news trading.

Don’t trade the news then

There are some here who trade trends successfully. There are some who look for reversals and some who trade congestion.

All of these are successful some of the time. All of them fail some of the time.

The secret is to choose a method which suits your own personality and to become proficient at it.

Mostly, whichever camp you live in, it is good to know whether the larger timescales are in an uptrend or a downtrend and to know where support and resistance lie.

Then you need to make your own decisions, bearing in mind if everyone is saying “Times are dreadful”, it may be time to consider an up-bet and vice versa !

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I hope you’re doing better after these past two days. I’m here to offer my advice as well.
I’ve been trading for about a few years now and I became consistently profitable when I realized it’s a marathon and not a sprint.

Here’s some action items and basic concepts that may help:

  • Focus on the fundamentals
  • Stay in demo until you build (and follow) good/consistent trading habits
  • Develop an “eye” for the market by doing your homework before, during, and after any trade
  • Understand the importance of risk management and organic growth (compounding) in your account
  • Create a plan and stick to it (even when you don’t feel like it)
  • Take your time and understand that every trade wont be a winning trade
  • If you take a lose, figure out why it happened and learn from it
  • Document, document, and document (your trading journal is your livelihood)
  • Focus on yourself and not these “Social media Traders” - don’t let that distract you
  • Trust the process - it takes time to get to where you want to be (make your mind up to be ok with that)

We all get the same 24 hours man, don’t let it beat you. Focus on getting better each day and try things until you figure out what works for you.

Remember this, it’s a NAVY SEAL Sniper’s Creed - "Slow is Smooth and Smooth is Fast"

Trade Well


Then stop using indicators, trade off price action on naked charts

Then make your stop loss your trade entry point.

Then stop doing an analysis

Whatever is not working, just stop doing it and do the opposite

You are welcome to visit my thread in the Trading Systems section, we have been very successful this year and the followers of that thread will be very helpful


Thanks for the info Falstaff :smiley:

That is a great piece of advice - Use “Pending orders” to do that.

Have I got Apiary Fund’s business model right? -
You pay them to train you, plus a monthly fee for an indefinite period, after which you might qualify eventually to be funded by them to trade, at which point they keep charging you the monthly fee but also let you keep some of your profits, while you’re liable for all the losses?

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Thanks mate. I don’t object to posts like your first above, I figure that if you want to stick your head above the parapet, others will take a few shots, you will reply and the silent majority can make their own minds up. They will anyway.

I just skimmed over Apiary’s web pages so I may well have jumped to early conclusions. Yes, the monthly fee is small. Maybe the training is thorough. Maybe the strategies on offer are workable and the software is good. I don’t know.

But there’s always gong to be the old problem - if these guys are so good at trading they can help complete novices make money, why do they need cash from complete novices?

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Good realizing, yes manual (learning) process is always best rather than using others paid system or robot.

love to hear those winning
storys !

The question was asked a few years back whether Apiary is too good to be true on another forum.

Quite a few answers, bottom line is to do due diligence, don’t think Midwest had any ulterior motives.

There is maybe one pro trader on here who has had a positive experience, but like I say always good to do homework before spending cash.

Hope ST doesn’t mind me mentioning, once when he was asked on BP about his experience of a paid provider he gave an honest feedback, later he received much abuse from the enquirer simply because it didn’t work out. Simon gave an honest answer based on his own experience, but everyone’s experience can be different.

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Thanks for invite me and for try to help