I am a newbie and I am looking to learn and connect with like minded ppl here!

My name is Jerrard, and I have had the desire to become a forex trader since 2020. I stalled out really quickly, because I did not know where to start. I have regained that desire and will never stop my pursuit of becoming a successful full-time forex trader. My goal is to learn forex to change my family and my life for the better and to help ppl along the way. I want to some day teach my children this skill set so they will never have financial hardship like I have.


And that goal will be your achilles heel until you learn to detach your mindset from making money. Focus on developing a profitable method and process which you would stick to for every trade, and let any rewards take care of themselves. Think in percentage terms to protect your account. Without capital you cannot trade.

Best of luck.

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I appreciate the advice, that is the way I want to move! I believe in anything you want to do , learning the skill set and focusing on the skill set will will bring about the rewards! I am looking forward to a great journey of knowledge and experience!

Welcome! Be sure to complete Pipsology, the free forex course!

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Hello and welcome, Jerrard! Remember to be consistent with your efforts to learn and be patient in this journey. Good luck!

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