I am a newbie in this forum

Hi everyone my name is Obanshola from Africa Nigeria precisely. I am a newbie in forex trading… my aim of joining this forum is to acquire knowledge on trading and hope to become guru in future…Also I wish to connect with people around the world

Hello @obanshola! Love your name! I wish you tons of patience in learning how to trade. :slight_smile: How did you discover forex trading btw? Do you have friends who are already trading?

can you please make sure your trading condition right now ? any basic level you have finished ?

most welcome in this community, best of luck for you . hope it will be awesome.

hi and welcome , happy trading , good luck

learning is important , there is no way to ignore but honestly speaking any kind of learning can be useless if there is no regular practice.

Welcoooome! :blush: I’m from the Philippines and I’ve met people from around the world through this forums. :blush: So, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it here! :smiley:

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Thank you @ponponwei i don’t have friends who are already trading, I only get motivated by some gurus on the social media

Thank you @Luke_Ronchi

Hello @Obanshola, welcome to the community. Why did you choose forex trading? Tell us more about you.

Hi! Welcome to Babypips. You will get results, if you work consistently and have patience. Btw, do you have a job?

Welcome to the site! I hope to see you around from time to time. :grin:

Hello, welcome to the community. Babypips is a great place to learn about Forex trading, to ask questions, and to interact with other Forex traders from around the world.
Let’s take a look at some helpful aspects:
The “sticky” threads at the top of the forum are full of great information, so be sure to check them out.
There is a search function at the top of the page, which you can use to find old posts and threads that might be helpful.
So enjoy, and learn!

Hello there, you have quite the unique name! Welcome to the forum, here you will get tricks and tips to trade successfully from fellow traders. Check the green button above and start learning! Wishing you all the best for your journey ahead.