I am failure but hoping to turn things around

I was introduced to trading forex during college. I used to learn stuff online like everyone. But I haven’t been successful all these years. Reason being I have a full time job which I am desperately trying to quit. I haven’t traded consistently for even a week. I get no time during work. But when I have time, I become lazy (This is mostly due to lack of success).
My big problem is, during college when I was introduced to trading, I told my family and friends that I will pursue trading. And now every time I meet my family and friends, they ask me how my trading is going on. At first I used to cover it up with some excuses, but after several it has become tiring. I hate myself for announcing to everyone. I hate this pressure. Even my parents mock me whenever they get a chance.

I gave up trading last year, I stopped learning or engaging any trading activity. But still I have this feeling inside me. A feeling of disgust or something else. I hate this feeling. My inner voice screams that I wasted several years for nothing. I HATE MYSELF RIGHT NOW, SO MUCH.

But since last week I have been thinking about this, Why not give it another try? After all, I have abundant knowledge, I have invested several years learning concepts.
But this time I will stay disciplined, I will treat this more seriously than work and life. I will stay DISCIPLINED (which I lacked in my previous venture)

I hope to learn from you guys.

For now, I am using basic technical like S&R S&D trend lines, fibs, etc… And a few fundamentals like a COT data, a few news announcements, etc…


Oh no. :frowning_face_with_open_mouth: I’m so sorry you had to go through this! :sob: Sometimes, its the people we’re closest to end up hurting us the most. But I’m happy you’re giving it another go! :open_mouth: We do not matter as much as your friends and family but we’ll be cheering for you here! :blush: If you have any questions, just ask us here and we’ll try to answer if we can! :blush: Don’t lose hope. It’s gonna be difficult and tiring, and people are still gonna doubt you. But use that as fuel so you can eventually prove them wrong. :blush:


Also, I’m assuming you’re trading on demo right now? :blush: Or have you recently gone live? :open_mouth:

I won’t be trading yet. I have decided to follow a routine where I prepare trade ideas and reports every day. So I will prepare trade ideas for several pairs and document it. After a few weeks of work, I will have enough data to study my work and see how I performed.
I am afraid to take trades because a few losers might demotivate me. So I will just prepare documents with trade ideas and theories.

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We are all somewhere that is not as good as where we would like to be. The key is not where we are, its what we’re doing to get somewhere better.


An important realization is that no time is ever wasted. I had to go through this and that, and as painful the memory of it is, it’s the building of this life, not to be compared with either someone else’s life or the imaginary life I think I should have.

Don’t even think of trading in that state! Because that’s the voice of the dreaded self-sabotage. Cross that sentence out and write instead in your journal: “I forgive myself right now, I have been silly and it makes me cringe just to think of it, but if I want to get anywhere I’m gonna stop taking myself so seriously just because my pride takes a knock down, I wash my hands”.
I think in order to go trading one needs to develop a thick skin when it come to pride, because the markets will never quit humiliating you. If you can accept that your edge starts taking shape.

If I may suggest my own workflow: I write my rules, like a tick-list and whether demo, paper or real bet, I stick to it and if it seems at the time that it’s a stupid rule I make a note to review and perhaps change the rule LATER, but what’s on the list now is what goes. Except when I rush and forget one line and then kick myself, and I go back to the list to print that line in bold! FWIW.

Patience and perseverance. See who laughs last. Best wishes on the (long) road.

I totally understand this kind of feeling. When you told to someone that you are doing FR trading, they may not know about FR, if they know, they may think about gambling, it’s a not a serious job. I have around 2 years with FR but I can’t tell my family or my friends what I’m doing, I just said to them that I’m studying something to find a job next year. When we have not archived something yet, you couldn’t tell anyone because they keep asking about the result.

Anyway, it’s glad when you have decided to comeback to FR, I think it’s a good idea. Many traders here are doing it as part-time job beside their full-time job. You can do it if you give yourself a chance. Let start it slowly and slowly, day by day from demo account first. Finding the strategy and discipline that suit to your lifestyle then you can do 9-5 job and can trade as well then you can start with live account later.

Best of luck! If you still have a passion with trading, don’t give up!

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What changes are you making to make sure you will stay disciplined? :slight_smile: Maybe you should do a journal here!