I am New here and in Forex too(Newbie)

Greeting every one :wave:
I hope to learn lot from you :smiley: Cheers to every one in here :fist:

It can be a wealth of information on here it’s whatever you want it to be.Though at the end of the day you find your own niche

Good luck

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Thank you very Much and I think the Big secret to wining in this game is self trust since it is β€œME AGAINST ME” not even the market until now that is what I have realized :smiley:

Yes it’s true the markets are very much freedom of choice .Even that a positive regards retail trading there no targets or obligations you can wait ,wait wait if you like .Pick 3 winners and have exceptional return s

Thank you, that is what I am trying to improve. Taking few trades but with high probability :smiley: I am still learning it.

Well you on the right road then

The edge is the discipline control and selection process not suedo intellectual nonsense trading not a science if that was the case the markets would nt exist .There no secret s or holy grail

Welcome aboard, and best of luck with your education.

Welcome to this amazing place to kickstart your forex trading journey. You can explore the education section and get started with your basic forex education. Happy learning!