I am new here to share ideas

Ma name is Lizarus and u can also call me L, and if ur wondering, yea that’s the L from death note :D. I have been trading for almost 8 years now and recently i am joining forums to talk about my strategy and understand other people’s strategy .

Hey L! welcome to the BP.
So, you’re a death note fan?

Of course I am, especially L him self, I think he would make a really perfect trader if he didnt go after being a detective :smiley:

Hi and welcome L! I’m sure a lot of members here will appreciate your contributions. Looking forward to hearing more about your trading journey. Good luck!

Welcome to the community, L. Hope to hear more about your strategy.

Welcome to the community, and I look forward to seeing your contributions here.

Yeah, I totally agree with that. He could have been a hell of a trader. :sunglasses::grin: