I believe in jesus

Hallaluyah and god is good


Not sure what the point of your post is?

God always good
God always first

[Edited for a Forums Violation]

Forex and G-d aren’t mutually exclusive, if you’re using profits for the good of His kingdom. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

ok bit of a strange one going on here

Won’t argue you on theological grounds or ideas but this is a trading forum with all due respect my friend!

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Just a person who believes in Jesus.

I believe in Jesus too Peace be upon Him
As a messenger and a Prophet
But not as God or Son of God
I just can not imagine God as a baby wearing diapers

This man simply believed in God and wanted to share with us. I do not see anything wrong with this, and this post should not have any special and complicated meaning. I am also very religious and believe in God, but I prefer not to write about it on the forum. However, I still think that instead of writing on the forum that you believe in Jesus, it’s better to go to church and pray. In the church, you will find the support and understanding you need. I go to First Church Love; the address can be found at https://firstchurchlove.com. Your faith doesn’t need everyone to know about it.

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