I cracked the code!

No not asking for money at all just posting

GBP cad tp 1.72357
Gbp Aud tp 1.96203

GBP jpy sell

Enough of the signals that no one is paying attention to.

Tell us about how you cracked the code (as the title suggests) and maybe you can make this thread interesting.

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I just posted valuable correlation table so you all stop asking this thanks

No proof exists of any of these signals, nor of any code, so no code can be cracked and no proof exists of anything else.

The proof is that I won big test and will continue to post winning tips from now on I cracked it

Winning tips to who? Why would anyone follow your so-called winning tips without any evidence?

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I’ll take your word for it. These signals are not interesting enough to fact check.

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GBP jpy sell tp 182.697

I’m up 79 pips on gbp Aud buy
And 23 pips on gbp cad

I cracked it this time

Buy nasdaq 100 it will bounce back

Buy link chain

Buy ripple

Replace gbp jpy sell with nzd jpy buy for Monday

3 to start the morning

NZD jpy buy
NZD cad buy
Nasdaq 100 buy

Close nzd jpy and nzd cad

And sell gbp usd and gbp cad

Buy usd cad to the moon :crescent_moon:

EUR nzd sell

Up 73 pips on eur nzd sell :clap: