I desire to learn as a beginner

I am a new entrant into this wonderful community. I am willing to learn, be guided and mentored.

Welcome! If you haven’t been through the School of Pipsology yet, you should check it out. It’s the best place to start. Good luck!

As above get stuck into the learning material, open a Trading View account and study at times you can stick to.

If you want to learn, Babypips pipsology is the best place to start. On the other hand, always study the market on a daily basis. It will help you to trade better and increase your market knowledge. You can also use a demo account to trade before going live.

Hello, and welcome to the forum. It is wonderful that you have the desire to increase your knowledge. However, desire on its own is not enough. It is imperative that you direct your efforts toward the accomplishment of your goals and aims. Learning ought to be your top priority now that you are just getting started. Utilize the resources available on the internet, and educate yourself at your own pace.