I got email from

Hi all, I got today an email from adarcapital.pro, because my account is inactive. The problem is … I didn’t open any account in this company :wink: . Be careful when you got that kind message, I know, we are busy, sometimes we can accept something like that as good deal, and the most important thing, DO NOT CLICK TO ANY LINK IN THE MESSAGE. Stay safe :slight_smile: Regards Greg


It’s scary. These days they even send legitimate looking text messages. Definitely a challenge for tech-challenged folks.

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Thanks for the heads up!!

They’re using clone FCA firm.

Thanks for letting us know @ProfesorPips !

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I have noticed this is getting a common pattern, please be careful. And thanks for letting us know.

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Personally I’m numb to any form of advertising but good for you for highlighting this

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