I have an account but i tried to trade also but i always failed. Hope this group will help me to be learn more about trading
Welcome Jimmy.
Learn by asking questions. Grow by practice. The only way to lose this game is to lose your account, but there are many ways to win it. Enjoy the journey.
Don’t worry jimmy, not many traders get what they want in the first go. just start practicing a bit more and try reading how to frame strategies, test them back to back on demo and you’ll be just fine.
Do the babypips course. Trade after you’ve completed it.
Well, Jimmy, it happened to everyone in the beginning. It is not some big issue, it just shows that you need to learn additional stuff. Use your previous trading deals as your learning material. Try to understand what you have done wrong and see what you need to improve.
Hello, sorry to hear that. You must use a demo account to gain more knowledge and experience. Find a strategy and practice it till you become consistent in profit making on a demo account. Don’t waste your money with a live account when you don’t have a tested strategy.