I have found the Holy Grail!

holy crap what did i miss??? All i know was io asked a wuestion on tt2 mp answered it got deleted along with mine and tony’s psot who btw thank you for answering twice :slight_smile: now i hear people are throwing elbows? geez i miss all the good stuff :frowning:

I hope everyone can get along if somebodys ego was hurt or somebody was offended lets be big enought to forgive and forget yea?

the wonder of what you missed is applicable to life AND forex - - - - -

[B]LIFE IS NOT A BOWL OF CHERRIES (at least some of the time !)[/B]

enjoy johnny


I just don’t get it.

What is the point of opening a big thread on FF, with a “new system” which is too good to be true and then posting fake trades and wins? I have seen a lot of people following that thread, wow… they must be so dissapointed when they found out the truth.

But anyway, what is the point of doing all that?

Why would someone create a thread with fake trades like that and do it for months?

The human brain is really hard to understand.

Well that was fun. This took me back to the good ole days on grandma and grandpa’s farm when all the cousins got bored and went to the haybarn and commenced to having a knock down corn cob fight. No winners only bruises and a few black eyes. LOL . Honestly tho folks it taught me a lot about my “newness”… I should have left the reading and gone to bed.

MP you’ve got me thinking. kudos.


I know I said I’m done beating a dead horse but this is so funny I couldn’t help myself I just had to post … sorry

yep it sure was fun I had a good laugh but the funniest part was the traders or so called traders in here who actually believed that naked line chart hogwash lol

Anyway well at least now I know who the real traders are and the pretenders are and boy was I surprised. We all know who you are now :smiley:

No matter how hard the fakers try to hide their ignorance with all that pro trader FI trader bs their half baked beliefs will always give them away.

hahaha :smiley:

Well I think the noobs can thank shakefx for helping them separate the real traders from the pretend traders ya know men from the boys thats all this thread was good for anyway other than the super entertainment value it had.

Riots of laughter I prefer reading this to watching reruns of friends.

Now I’m impatiently waiting for the next time someone comes up with such nonsense just for the laughs.



PS> Pity about mp but cribbing it gonna help u one bit smart thing to do is start ur own forum

considering Tess has stated that shaky is taking a “vacation” from the thread, one wonders at the “humor” that was intended, but please to remember that mp gave forth a “wait and see” attitude concerning shakey, and was simply doing that – humor or not, a person should be heard out !

as far as mp believes, and since he is backed by the US Hackers group, stating his positions here doesn’t appear too difficult a task !

we know that mp has made mistakes in the past, that he has owned up to, and now simply states for people to examine the information he provides and judge the results for themselves ---- there can be NO fairer or simpler statement made by anyone, and I know he means it and has proven he can produce ----- heck, [B]if one doesnt want to believe his trades thats ONE thing, but if he announces them every day, and they COME TRUE, then one HAS to believe, if only in a small manner, that he must have SOME idea of what he speaks ![/B]

i for one listen to him because i havent seen anything wrong with what he states — i may not subscribe to his “no sl theory” and even HE tells others not to, but he constantly warns others NOT to trade that way, simply providing HIS manner of trading for consideration sometime in the future.

One cannot argue though, that he has been responsible for many a newb now MAKING money where they once lost continuously because of TIGHT stop losses, and that ONE lesson has created MORE successful newbs than all the systems on this board !

so whether we have a “shaky” background attributable to rumor, dislike or outright distortion of facts, the ONE OVERPOWERING FACT THAT REMAINS is that he is helping the newbs to INCREASE their profitability AND if that is not the BOTTOM LINE in this business, I’m sorely misinformed !

revolution comes in many a manner and often when one least expects it !
