I have opened my eyes -Really

Hi Traders

Today’s I have researched Forex market and I have Found some very interesting forex resource where I get access to review valuable system and I cannot beleive what’s I miss by now… I Think that this site opening my eyes…
For exapmle: I have read about autoamted forex software with A fool-proof system that has a whopping 93% winning trades …And pull in thousands of dollar per month!!!

I really do not like heavily sold FX products that talk about how big the “potential” is while saying stuff like how they are “fool proof” while they don’t show any proof of it on their live trading accounts. That is a huge problem for me. They are always overhyped and the best thing they can show you is some backtest nonsense and some stuff forward tested on a demo account using some outrageous margin amount with balances over $100,000. That does not describe over 99% of the people on this forum. They will only be wasting their money.

My advice; learn to trade. Nothing is fool proof. And if you have the stomach to trade 5+ standard lots on every single trade, why are you here?

Since we all are speculators to some degree here, I speculate that a few of these new usernames that have made recent posts are all the same person with the intention of infiltration advertising without paying BabyPips any revenue. Just my speculation.


advice: Foget useless information , just keep in your mind useful information which help to achieve your trading goals…

yes, Forex Trading is difficult. But all veteran traders know that the only way to trade profitably we need a Forex Trade System…

This way we remove our emotions from trading. So… we need one trading system but which…

Good question. I believe they call that searching for the Holy Grail :wink:

But also, what is good and what is useless information? It’s all good if it helps reach a decision one way or the other. Its seems that any system is basically tradeable, but what one does after entering is the key to it’s success.

What I have discovered is that I had to try a lot of systems before I realized that the “trying out” part was part of my journey…to find something meaningful to me. But not only that. Now that I think I’ve found something that I can “relate” to that says buy, or sell, I now need to work out the boring part…what it’s expectancy is compared to what I want to achieve, and then optimize that with money management and position sizing. Then perhaps that will help minimize my emotions so that I actually trade “my” system for real and not self sabotage.

Anyways, that where I’m at right now, and would like to be able to post my trades one day soon. :slight_smile:


We may have heard a lot about trading systems. What you may don’t know is that the systems built with the use of technical indicators fail, because of the lagging results these indicators provide…

All of them! Every single one! Oh… nooooo. Thanks for the input. Thank goodness I am only using future predicting indicators. They work real well.

I think it is hard predicting the market period. That is why I don’t. I just let my future indicators that are never wrong do it for me. I bought them from an old blind man on an old country road. He said I could have my never wrong future price prediction indicators for only $10, a ride, and sign an old crumply paper at the bottom that gave the devil the right to my soul after I pass on from the forex world. What a bargain!