You must look the chart of 5 minutes and take the MACD indicator of fast ema period 12, ema slow period 26 and MACD SMA period 9, the pair to trade its GBP / JPY. When the indicator falls to -0.08 lowest point of the day and after about 2 hours back to the same place it’s time to buy. Today earn 60 pips in 30 minutes.
I think a) those are the standard MACD oscillator settings on virtually every charting package, b) this is a description - “0.08” - of how MACD appeared at the time of your trade entry, not a general, repeatable criterion, c) even after MACD turned up at what was at that point lowest level of the day, there was nothing indicating the pair wouldn’t fall further, d) 60 pips in a short period of time (is it 15 minutes or 30 minutes? You’ve said both) is nothing difficult to attain on GBP/JPY: what is more difficult is 1) repeating it consistently, and 2) not giving it all back on trades taken with an inadequate basis for entry.
That’s what I read the first time too, but he could have meant he was going to just open his platform to take a screenshot of it. Either way, he hasn’t posted anything yet, and he has been spamming all over the forum with these ridiculous kinds of rhetorical posts.