I need help with Expert advisor that have certain settings

Hi Guys

I need your help by providing me experts advisors or names of experts advisors that include the following settings (Whatever strategy these ea are working with)

Pairs Selection: X/Y/Z…
Lot (Order Size): X
Lot martinagle after loss : X
Lot reset after win : True/False
TP in pips : X
SL in pips : X
max spread : X
Maximum open orders : X

I would be very grateful to anyone who helped me

Please never, never, never use strategies with Martingale! This is a purely theoretical construct. Everyone who thought he was smarter than the others ended up destroying his account. And not only one tried to do that! It is well-meaning advice from someone who has seen rivers of tears over the last 10 years because of it. Don’t touch any Martingale strategies, please!

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I agree with you that the Martingale system is considered a high risk, but its risk is considered limited if the strategy in which it works is expected to be correct even by 1%, and at the same time, the size of order represents a very small part of the total amount of the account, especially that the Martingale system prefers to use it In Cent accounts, in addition, the number of open trades must not exceed a maximum of two

Martingale systems may work where a constant edge is present… Say on a Roulette table.

If you sit through say 5 spins and can walk away… win, lose or draw… The less spins you sit through, the greater the erosion of the Casino’s advantage… On their advantage… The problem with a standard Martingale strategy is every risk limiting system… Limits profits conversely.

I’m sure the mathematics of this can be found on a gambling site somewhere on the Net.

Martingale in CFD trading doesn’t work because of so many variables… Price action will see to that!

The Ctrader Platform that I use could back-test this with a range of variables like adjusting the TP, SL, Lot Sizes, Maximum orders, even the Reset after wins in a matter of minutes…

Pairs Selection: EURUSD - GBPUSD - EURGBP
Lot (Order Size): 0.01
Lot martingale after loss : 0.02
Lot reset after win : True
TP in pips : 16
SL in pips : 7
max spread : 1.5
Maximum open orders : 2

Note: An EA like this should include parameters for Profit and Loss Stops…
ie: If EA loss > - $5 stop Bot… If EA Profit > +$5 Stop Bot…

Say run it on a 15min Chart (compress testing) for proof of concept and move to larger time frames from there. 2 position setting shouldn’t tie up more than $200 of margin at any one time…

The only way you can be sure for yourself is to run the EA on a DEMO and back-test the results. Most here will tell it cannot be done because they cannot do it… Test everything for yourself.

Good Luck.


Please take a step back and think about it.
If you have to take so many precautions, can the Martingale strategy be good?
I can run trend/countertrend strategies with far fewer cautions and they are more profitable too.

Martingale is popular with scammers because they can show such great profits with it and the equity curve looks so nice and smooth…on a demo! They use it to fool all the newcomers, who then buy the Expert Advisors from them. As soon as they run the Martingale EA on a live account with real money, it gets very ugly very quickly.

Martingale can run well for a while, but at some point the one trade that destroys everything will ALWAYS happen! For sure!

No professional in the stock market tackles Martingale.
That’s why no one else should either.

But of course everyone is free to get their bloody nose where they want :wink:

@Ravenash We have to ask the question why over time all the martignal EA’s lose with time

If we search on the web, we will find that all the EA’s that use the Martingale system allow opening more than 5 orders in the same time, or we may find that they reach more than 10 open orders.

Opening this number of orders will definitely cause the loss of all the amounts in the account, regardless of the strategy that the EA works with.
For this, for me, the Martinal EA, it must be set up not to open more than two orders as a maximum. Rather, it is preferable to open one order and not open another until after the previous closing

And test it with a demo account, then move to a cents type account. The amounts in the account will be converted into cents, which allows your account to take the risk of the Martinal system, and open each order with the lowest possible size, even if the broker has an account that allows opening orders with a size of 0.001, you set up a robot to open orders this size.

Doing these steps is the best way to set up an EA to test it, and so far I have not found EA’s that allow you to determine the number of open orders and at the same time the martignal is linked to losing orders only, but we find it linked to both types of orders results, whether winning or losing, and this is considered a high risk to the account

NB: You said that professionals do not use the martignal system, you cannot be decisive in this matter, because we all know that the majority of those who profit in a field do not like to appear in the forefront, and even if we consider that they do not use the traditional martignal system, but they use the multiplier system in another way where they open orders Its profit margin is multiplied by 5 times the loss margin or more. This for me is similar to the Martignal system, because we all know that all strategies, no matter how many winning orders are, the loss is chasing you, and so you try to find ways to avoid that loss by compensating for it.


Thank you very much, your words are right about forex trading. It is governed by many variables that may lead to a direct loss in the account, contrary to the example you gave me. So, you must make sure of the strategy well before trying an EA in a real account

Hey everyone,

I’m having trouble backtesting my trading bot in MT4. The bot is supposed to execute trades based on RSI and ZigZag indicators, but when I try to backtest it using Strategy Tester, I get no trades and no results. I’ve added print statements to confirm buy and sell signals, but nothing is showing up in the logs either.

I suspect it could be an issue with trade execution or maybe the conditions for triggering trades aren’t being met in backtesting. I’ve also ensured that auto trading is enabled, and I’ve set up my historical data properly.

If anyone has experience with this, I’d really appreciate some help! Below is my most recent script:

//| RSI & ZigZag Trading Bot for MT4 |
//| Author: Your Name |
#property strict

// Input Parameters
input double LotSize = 0.1; // Trade lot size
input double StopLossPips = 30; // Stop Loss in pips
input double TakeProfitPips = 50; // Take Profit in pips
input int RSI_Period = 14; // RSI Calculation Period
input int Overbought = 70; // Overbought RSI Level
input int Oversold = 30; // Oversold RSI Level
input int ZigZagDepth = 12; // ZigZag Depth

// Indicator Handles
double rsiValue;
double zzValues[1000];

//| CopyBuffer function definition |
void CopyBuffer(int indicatorHandle, int bufferIndex, int startPos, int count, double &buffer)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
buffer[i] = iCustom(NULL, 0, “ZigZag”, ZigZagDepth, 5, bufferIndex);

//| Check for Buy Signal |
bool CheckBuySignal()
rsiValue = iRSI(NULL, 0, RSI_Period, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
CopyBuffer(0, 0, 0, 3, zzValues);

if (rsiValue <= Oversold && zzValues[1] < zzValues[2]) {
    Print("Buy signal detected");
    return true;
return false;


//| Check for Sell Signal |
bool CheckSellSignal()
rsiValue = iRSI(NULL, 0, RSI_Period, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
CopyBuffer(0, 0, 0, 3, zzValues);

if (rsiValue >= Overbought && zzValues[1] > zzValues[2]) {
    Print("Sell signal detected");
    return true;
return false;


//| Execute Trade Function |
void ExecuteTrade(string tradeType)
if (!IsTradeAllowed())
Print(“Trade not allowed at this time”);

double sl = StopLossPips * Point * 10;
double tp = TakeProfitPips * Point * 10;
double price = (tradeType == "BUY") ? Ask : Bid;
double slPrice = (tradeType == "BUY") ? (price - sl) : (price + sl);
double tpPrice = (tradeType == "BUY") ? (price + tp) : (price - tp);

int ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), (tradeType == "BUY") ? OP_BUY : OP_SELL, LotSize, price, 10, slPrice, tpPrice, "RSI-ZigZag Bot", 0, 0, clrNONE);
if(ticket > 0)
    Print("Trade executed: ", tradeType, " at ", price);
    Print("Trade execution failed: ", tradeType, " Error: ", GetLastError());


//| Expert Advisor Start Function |
void OnTick()
if (CheckBuySignal())
Print(“Attempting to execute Buy trade”);
else if (CheckSellSignal())
Print(“Attempting to execute Sell trade”);