I need help with my confusion

PLs someone help me filter my doubt.
I have been taking note since I begin my journey on babypip but I’m confused :confused:.

I’m on moving average and evolope but I don’t know if I should be practicing what I’m doing on my demo account or I should wait till I’m done with the school before practice please :pleading_face: can someone help me clear my doubt so I will be out of confusion thank you

That’s what demo accounts are for, practice.

Don’t be afraid to use it and abuse it, that’s the beauty of them, you can learn without losing real money. Keep learning and practice what you learn as you go, that’s the best way to get familiar with the basics.

The real challenge comes when you open a live account, that’s when it gets tough psychologically. You don’t experience that nearly as intensely with a demo account because once again, you have nothing to lose. But you need to start somewhere.

Good luck!

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While studying trading techniques like moving averages and envelopes, it’s a good idea to practice simultaneously on a demo account. This helps reinforce theoretical knowledge with practical experience. The demo account allows you to test strategies risk-free, understand their real-world implications, and manage the emotional aspect of trading. So, don’t wait until you finish school; start practicing alongside your studies.

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Tongue in cheek - this is not a one cap fits all.- my pedantic viewpoint.

For I am trading a demo account on LUX trading firm broker as the first stage on succeeding, I do have something to lose, if only my £149 payment.

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Absolutely, I understand your confusion! It’s a common dilemma. Starting with a demo account now will reinforce your learning. Practical experience complements theory. As you progress through Babypips, apply what you learn in your demo account. Mistakes are part of learning. Feel free to seek advice, and remember, practice solidifies understanding. You’ve got this! Fighting

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I would maybe have a dabble in practicing on a demo account, but don’t let it distract you from the course. The course gives you golden nuggets of information until the very last lesson. If you leave the course early you will miss all this important and essential content.


That is certainly a different perspective but also a much different scenario. I suppose if you throw money at anything it becomes “real” in a sense.

I hope your challenge is going well, best of luck to you!

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these are the key words in the thread, in my opinion

there’s a limit to how much value practicing before you really know and understand what you’re looking for can have for you (note; i’m not suggesting it will have no value, just that there’s a limit on it)

it’s one of these things where the general viewpoint among “forum members and other beginners” and that among “people trading for a living” will always be hugely different

beginners and those not-yet-successful and the great majority of forex traders who never actually become successful (said by some to be 95%!!) will usually tell you to start practicing on demo as soon as you can and that there’s no downside to it

people trading for a living will very often tell you the exact opposite

as with everything else, it’s always your choice which group you want to be guided by

when i learned to trade (in the early 1980’s - i’m showing my age again!) as part of a graduate-entry cohort doing a professional trading-course in the industry, we weren’t allowed to start practicing on a demo account (yes, they had demos, even as long ago as that!) until we’d finished the theory course, which was LONG - but we all went on to become professional traders (with lots of further support and help, admittedly)

so there are different perspectives, and in this case, i think, two different groups offering them

“theory before practice” makes sure that the practice - when you get to it - is focused, relevant, educational and helpful :wink:

i offer this viewpoint knowing that it will be a minority one (and i do so in the hope that in a field in which such a small proportion ever become successful, it’s actually pretty easy to appreciate that majority viewpoints can sometimes be rather mistaken!)

i hope it helps you, anyway, and i wish you well, @kabzy166


But you already knew the basics at this point.

I guess what I’m getting at, and maybe that wasn’t very clear, is I don’t want to see beginners make the same mistakes as I did, which was jumping into the deep end before even knowing the basics (like shorting, I didn’t even know I could short a currency pair before I placed my first few trades!). Pretty unbelievable, yes. But it is what it is, and maybe it helped shape the trader I am today, but I doubt it.

Saying that, I’ve always promoted live trading (start small) over demo accounts , 100%. But it can also be helpful to play around with a demo account for a few days, to get the basics first.

But then again, some (most) lessons can be better learned the hard way.


maybe, yes (can’t remember that far back, too clearly, tbh!) - of course there’s nothing in your post i disagree with, anyway - just offering a different perspective from what i know is “popular forum opinion”

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Go ahead and practice while you are doing the course. Some things make more sense once you have hit them at least once in trading. One recommendation is that you finish the course regardless of how your practicing goes.


It’s completely normal to feel a bit bewildered as you embark on your journey. I’ve been right where you are (it was divergence for me btw), and let me assure you, clarity will come. Here’s a friendly tip: read through entire course first.

My reason is pretty simple do you know about stop loss types, what to write when journaling your trades or position sizing which will you learn in the last years and which you are suppose to use when demo trading even with moving averages.

Once you’ve absorbed all the material, consider giving the course another whirl while practicing with demo account. Trust me, it’s like watching a movie for the second time – you’ll catch details you missed before. And hey, if you are at it arrange topics in a way that takes into account basic calculation and stuff first then move onto technical stuff.(you can exclude broker and lingo stuff)

This is the approach I have taken, currently in second phase. Good Luck Hope this answers your question clearly.

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Thank you for your hospitality

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Wow :astonished: thank you alot I really appreciate what you said to me honestly I’m so much confuse before, though I know about stop loss order and currency pair major cross and other stuff I don’t even know what to journal if am trading on the demo account and I will go with what you said I think I will finish the school first once that is done I will have the ideal and how to approach the demo then I will know what I’m really doing and how to write down my mistake and how to do another things, thank so you much

Am glad am part of this community,you will never go off the road always on track :heartpulse::heartpulse:

Wow that is a lot of wisdom God I love myself right now :relaxed::blush:, am so much appreciate with your honesty and beautiful story sir/ma :heart:

I was also thinking about it but now I have a lot and hear from a professional trader thank you for making it easy for me right now, I will go with the education and leave the demo for now because I have a long to go once. Done with the school of babypip, then I will restart again but this time I will be reading and practice I will be more confident in what I’m doing rather than turning it into a guessing game,
Thank you I love you all family :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::revolving_hearts:

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You should practice things step-by-step on your demo account after mastering some fundamentals, in my opinion. Test each tactic in this manner to determine how it performs for you. Additionally, since their experience is so significant, I advise you to seek counsel from professionals.

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Thank you so much for your time and wisdom I really appreciate :pray::two_hearts::revolving_hearts::wink:. I will do that

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Practice on the demo account while your in school. A 12,26,2 MACD is interesting. (((hint)))

PLs someone help me filter my doubt.
I have been taking note since I begin my journey on babypip but I’m confused :confused:.

I’m on moving average and evolope but I don’t know if I should be practicing what I’m doing on my demo account or I should wait till I’m done with the school before practice please :pleading_face: can someone help me clear my doubt so I will be out of confusion thank you


Yes, you absolutely need to practice on a demo account while learning the course, but also remember not to jump the gun and think you’ve got it down pat just by getting a few positive gains, and then right away look to go live and invest money. You need to be consistent and steadily profit on a regular basis with your demo account over an extended time period before even thinking of going live. The same also holds true if you find that you’re constantly getting losses in the beginning and just want to give up out of frustration. Go back and review what you learned and take the time to find out WHY you’re losing money, and then keep trying again and again until you get it right. Let me also add that the same holds true for successfully getting profits: You need to know WHY you got those profits, versus just happening to get lucky and hitting the market in the right direction. It will definitely take some time, but keep at it and one day you will be financially successful with Forex. The best of luck to you!


Thank you so much for the advice I really appreciate and I will work on that I wish you a successful trading