I Need Some Good Advice

I have a question about how to make some extra money for my bankroll to get started trading. I don’t want to do it small time, I would rather move up to the big leagues but I think I need more funds to start. I have been looking around online and haven’t come up with anything that looks decent. I did find one thing and didn’t know where to post it, so here it is. I found a site that seems like they are good and like I could make some money. I wanted some opinions on it first before I jump in. It’s called liveresell.com and if any of you have used them before, please share your opinions. Thanks! :slight_smile:
I am a newbie at Forex so I don’t know enough about it to go into it with a small bank that I could lose right away.

Ed, this business never ceases to astound me , some years ago I was entering into a new field of business, I was warned of the many ‘sharks’ that awaited.

I despair when I see the marketing in this field - it is endless, I really do not know to where it leads.

I am lost for words, your avatar suggests a father, so use a father’s wisdom - no, I cannot figure, you want to trade, where is the attraction in this site?

I am trying to find a way to build up enough money to start trading regularly. I am a stay at home dad and I would seriously like to get into trading as a living. I just need more start up capital to do it the right way. I have been a lurker on this site for a while trying to learn all that I can and I finally signed up because I thought you guys were the bets around. I am not part of any marketing, I just wanted some advice before I signed up for anything.
I appreciate your candidness though peterma. :slight_smile:

Also, I have a question. I keep seeing ads for oanda or something like that and I have heard that it is where I should start. Is that true?

Ed, I figure you are for real, yes, oanda are a good broker.

I am a learner like you, I have learned to stay away from long legged sellers who have secrets to give away. Generally, if you see the words ‘double your money’ … etc etc - you know…

Anyways, sign up to zero, learn from guys like Pizza, Goldenmember, ST, Monsieur Jacques, d-pip, M.Tang, and others.

Most importantly, learn, no wrong word, become accustomed to, the ‘fundamentals’.

May I add, if you wish to learn the art of trading, learn also from the old traders - they are many, each have their failings, they may sound odd, they laugh at the long legs - but learn from them.

Why not sell stuff on eBay to get additional income? How about walk your neighbors pets, babysit their kids, work at night jobs?I know it’s not as glamorous job that you wanted but any penny/money counts…

Why not start only trading ? Trading is not something you want to do part time, use what cash you can spare, wisely, and jump into trading when you feel you are prepared for it.If you have a day job you can earn some cash from there.I cant believe people cant do trading full time.When you become an experienced trader with a good strategy, and lets say you make 5% constantly every month, with a starter 1000$ account ? But that is not enough to live from it, easy, trade more pairs, if you now trade only 1 or 2 pairs, trade like 10 and there you go 50%/ month :smiley:

My pick would be:


[QUOTE=“PipNRoll;563196”]Why not sell stuff on eBay to get additional income? How about walk your neighbors pets, babysit their kids, work at night jobs?I know it’s not as glamorous job that you wanted but any penny/money counts…[/QUOTE]
PipNRoll, good call on eBay. I will eventually use the revenue I make off of selling on amazon (which, I think is easier than eBay) to fund my initial start up with forex. I still have a few months of demo trading first but will eventually be involved with forex and amazon. You have to be diversified!