I need some inspiration from you guys

Hey guys,

I’m pretty new to the forum, and still pretty new to Forex. I’ve been learning a lot and feel quite comfortable with many aspects, but i feel sometimes I lack the inspiration to get my head in the right place…

I just wondered if people could recommend things that get them in the zone. It’d be cool if any of you have some suggestions other than music, perhaps successful traders books? Films? Just stuff i can consume to get some pumped i guess :slight_smile:

Try watching a movie or maybe reading something you love, I tend to read comics and magazines while trading it can be fun :)"

Also, you can try Wall Street Money Never Sleep and Yes Man. Those are my favourite films about successful. I assure you will find out what you need.

if you don’t have an inner genuine WANT or NEED for the money, then nothing is going to motivate you properly. if you want it, you’ll do whatever you need to do to get it. if you don’t genuinely want it, you’ll just get a short-term boost, and after a while it’ll fizzle out like a dud firecracker.

do you WANT the money for some specific purpose, or do you just feel like doing this cuz it seems cool and fab and phresh and the “in” thing to do amongst yo’ peeps?

Genius! You’ve got a way with words SoundOfLight.

It’s a good idea to have the money spent before you make it though (as in wanting the money for something specific). I’m not trading live yet but when I do, any money I make will be spent on silly luxuries. My list includes a 2nd kayak, another new mountain bike & a new bad-ass surround sound system. That’s motivation enough for me (mainly the sound system).

Why don’t you try eating? Eating while trading makes it fun…hehe

A good series done a few years ago called Wallstreet Warriors you can get it on hulu.It as different facets of market players and some forex traders in 2nd season.I think youtube also as it now?

Click this link please Aesop20. The trader’s Arms 2nd Floor

Concentrate on posts number 1, 109 and 114

Try these movies:
Rogue Trader(1999,Evan Mecgregor),Wall street money never sleeps(2010),Boiler room(2000,Van Diesel) :slight_smile:

Haha, no I do WANT the money and I think trading when you NEED the money is quite dangerous, especially if it’s your only source of income… I just meant in terms of surrounding myself with trading stories and cool things, just to make me feel like the man whilst i’m doing it :cool:

Cheers for the heads up, I’ll check it out :slight_smile:

Success! That is what gets me going.

Look into mirror and said “Keep working hard and you can do it”

Don’t believe in some internet BS :slight_smile:

There is no easy money nor a free meal.

It will take you to emotional extremes, before smashing you against a rock and a very hard place.

What you probably need more to finally figure it out is not what that might tide you over. You need to find that motivation when you wake up and find yourself in such emotional states and places.

My motivation has always been my kids and my love for money. And even that was nearly not enough.

Happens to all. Even today i find myself sometimes wondering what tha heck i am doing here. I suggest you to start a diary with an elegant notebook and an expensive pen, please avopid phrases like “Dear Diary” or “today Dr Pipslow said i have overtrading disorder”. Avoid the negative stuff but keep your feet on the ground at the same time.

Before you place a trade for the day just burn a few fifty dollar bills and dust the ash on your face, like you would if your wanting to camouflage yourself. That gets the negativity away as you’ve already lost money before even starting the day.

Yeah keeping a trading diary is a cool idea, keeps my head in the game I guess. It’s not so much that i’m lacking motivation, or inspiration but rather i just want more stuff to inspire me, but then i suppose you get inspired to give you more motivation :15: who knows haha, either way i’ve taken everyones posts on board so thanks :smiley:

Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas, a must read in my humble opinion

this book changed, not only my trading, but my life.

Try the book of the same title but written by Ari Kiev.

I have this book :slight_smile: Glad to see it getting recommendations.

Trading in the Zone is a great book on trading psychology. I find the part inspirational where Douglas says “Money flows into the accounts of successful traders accounts at a rate that would boggle our minds”