I really need to change my trading platform

Luckily this is a demo account but am I doing something wrong? Why did it not sell when it hit the take profit. But if I were the other way as soon as it hit stop loss it sells automatically
I’m using IG forex.

IG isnt the best, used to be a really good platform in the past. Still its strange that its not closing the trades when it hits your stop prices. I take it your looking mainly for a decent FCA broker that works. Thankfully IG isnt on our list. Take a look: Best FCA Forex Brokers | Fx Brokers Empire
There are also detailed reviews available for each broker…

I know it’s no comfort but congrats on identifying a good setup there! Nothing more frustrating than getting it right and having things fail because something didn’t function correctly…

It’s a bit strange. You can just call them and ask. They’re very friendly. I’ve been with ig for years. I love their platform so much mt4 was so difficult for me to use.

They have offices in london which you can go to and are fca regulated. If there are any concerns, just call them. Otherwise, do a bit of research and move to someone else. Saxo bank is supposed to be good. Core spreads have fixed spreads, you can check them out too but they obviously are taking the other side of your trade.

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you need to contact them.

I’ve never had an issue with this on IG.

I use IG for my scalping and the TP and SL have never failed.

There may be a simple reason, maybe something you have done or a technical error their side, but at least they can explain it to you.

@chrisfraser05 thanks yea I will have to call them. I’m new to trading just paper trading FX and I’m trading stock currently. But since I was on a daily chart and it didn’t fill my order does that mean it didn’t on other charts? For example it filled on a daily but it doesn’t fill yet on a 1 hour chart is that a thing? Sorry if Im not making sense

@tradeforex077 i like IG but this has happened one too many times. They are good but I’m starting to lose confidence and get frustrated. Hopefully I can get some feedback from them

@enickma thanks for the kind words. Im new to trading I have been using YouTube and this forum a lot. And you words do help! #keepmemotivated

@FxBrokersEmpire I live in the US. Which do you recommend ??

Unfortunately none of our brokers work with the United States at this time. Unless you have duristiction in the UK, Europe or Asia.

It’s a tough situation for traders in the states because of the nature of regulators. We are working on finding a solution to this and will inform you of any changes.


I think I may have found a solution for you, check your inbox