I think I'm supposed to intro here?

Name’s MJ, from U.S., midwestern state. I have little trading experience but just looked at the site and some vids earlier, made me a more informed trader to traditional market. Pretty cool. Joined because my uber driver recommended looking into it as a secondary form of income. I’m still poking around.

FX trading is a profit and loss venture, which means income AND expenditure, because you will suffer losses as does every trader on the planet - even your uber driver. If he was making serious income he wouldn’t be driving.

Welcome to BP good luck

Welcome MJ! :blush: That must have been a very interesting uber ride. :stuck_out_tongue: With so many available side hustles, I wonder how you both got into discussing forex. Still, I’m happy that the recommendation brought you here! :blush: Have you tried reading the school? :smiley:

Welcome to the community, MJ. Hope you enjoy your stay here. Good luck on your fx trading journey.