I want to learn forex

God bless you… :pray: Thanks

Does not look like he is going to put an effort in learning, does it?


It’s in my post above - click on the words in green “Learn How to Trade the Markets” and then on the next page click on the “Start Course” button.

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I saw pre school, should I click on that…

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Clearly not. It’s obvious trolling. Another one for the ignore list. :woozy_face:

By the way, welcome back, Keith.


Welcome! Heteroskedasticity provided you with the link to get started. Please take some time to explore and read through the website.


Thanks… Chime… do you have fb so that we can chat there or any means to communicate

This forum is the best place for discussions. It allows everyone to share and learn from each other.

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Haha oh well, what is a little harm having fun with trolls?
Thanks buddy, nice to be back after a while.

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Welcoooome! :blush: I’m a bit late in my greeting but like the others, I also suggest you check out the school here for the basics. :blush: And if you encounter questions or confusing items in the lessons, you can always ask here! Good luuuuck!

Pretty much! :smiley: It’ll get you started. I hope you’ve given it a visit alredy. :smiley:

Welcome! You’ll learn so much from all the free materials here. Enjoy your stay and good luck on your trading journey!

I’m doing trading for last 6 year , I have few advice for you.

Learn one strategy and backtest 200 times ,
at least 1:2 risk to reward ,
simple , trust me you crack it

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Most of brokers are offering free demo accounts. It might be quite useful. Just sign up and see what’s going on in there. Pick few major currency pairs you want to work with and start slowly with them :blush: :blush: :blush:

To learn forex, start with the basics like key terms, choose a broker with a demo account, study the market, practice trading, and be patient.