I will be posting free accurate price action signals here so watch out

Did you place another trade or are you still in the same trade since yesterday evening?

i close half of my position when the trade was 50pips, so the other is still running.

so you were not stopped out at breakeven?

I tend to lock in 10 pips when a market that I trade on has moved up 30 pips, giving a breathing space of 20 pips.

Home run!!! great call on the aud/usd horlique!

I locked in 100+ pips, and calling it a night. Thanks again!

84 pips so far and banked 60 pips

yeah this a good home run, dont be surprise if we bank +120pips. Let end this week on a happy note.

2 great weeks for you eh? 300 last week on Gold and today hopefully you hit the 120.
Good job!

This thread is a classic example - Everybody wins and loses in trading but as long as your wins are big and when u do lose you stick to ur stop loss target; your in for decent profits indeed.

helo guys its now +117pips ,once price approach +130pips mark u can exist it or lock in more pips. Dont be greedy.

I’ve locked in 80 pips as I made a slight late entry. But nevertheless a great call/trade.

Hi Horlique2

You use two moving averages in your charts. What do you use that for.

Many thanks


am out with 135pips happy trading to all. happy weekend.

Well done! Good finish to the week. Speak you all on Sunday. Have a great weekend.

Audusd just got a beating of the week.

Hope it goes into uptrend next week

i used them for trend direction.

it depends where the market opens on sunday evening. I expect a violent correction next week.

Absolutely brilliant call Horlique! Thanks

Hi Horlique2

Would you post the market outlook for this week i.e what pairs are you looking at for potential entries etc.
