I will be posting free accurate price action signals here so watch out

I can’t wait :wink:

EURUSD –This pair is approaching Key Resistance zone of 1.3180-1,3240.

The EURUSD did pop modestly higher on Friday from Thursday’s buy signal(Trade 29) on the EURUSD . If the market moves up into the resistance zone between 1.3180 – 1.3242 , we will still be watching closely for an opportunity to sell back down toward support. This market is still in range-bound mode .


I look forward to your new operations. I need 277 pips to bring my fxcm account back to break even after the rough euro/usd market a few weeks back.

Hi all hope you all have had a wonderful weekend.

@cnpforex - If we hit a couple of home runs this week then that should be good enough to set your account into profit margin.

Happy pipping.

God willing!

I just realized that my profile have been Re-edited by the admin. Its seems am breaking babypips rules by posting these signals. Hmmmm

Anyway back to business, hello fellow pippers how was your weekend.

There are others who do the same. Did they specifically state anything to you as per the posts? Legally all that is needed is a disclaimer. Perhaps you should add one to the bottom of each signal posting. Include an indemnification clause indemnifying both yourself as well as babypips.com.

ForexMoneyMaker posts signals and to be honest some have cost me quite a bit in losses and all in all they are very vague. I have yet to see them bother this guy. There are 15 pips a day as well who posts when he wants. So what’s the issue here?

Hi Horlique2,

Posting signals on the forums is allowed. However, Solicitation and Advertising aren’t. Please review the Forum Rules to guide you.

NO SOLICITATION. This rule is back. This includes soliciting forum members to join groups or classes on Skype, YM, AIM, trading rooms, or chat rooms, to follow Twitter users, to try out free products and services, signal services and the like.



its state that ‘‘am soliciting for people to join my forex account management program’’ this shows that am breaking the forum rules, i thought its was only when one post a soliciting post. In my case i only included my twitter handle and my email on my profile page. Well i have to follow the forum rules…


As you may recall, i have followed your signals since the beginning. I have not always participated because of net issues on cell or just being too busy. I do not recall you offering any services like this to be honest with you. All in all its probably a bad looser who jumped in and griped since some people can’t handle a loss or understand that investments consist of both gains and losses. I have lost and so have others but I know how to control myself. I know rules must be followed but many times rules are applied to those who do good and not applied to those who do bad. I am sure it will all work out and you have my support!

trade 30 sell stop on audusd at 0.91539

stops= 55pips

targets= 150pips

reason for trade: sell signal in the direction of downtrend.

risk 2% here

I am in on this one!

This means sell at 0.91539?

Just put the order on now, fingers crossed.

Is this Buy Au,sell US pair? the current rate is 0.9201. The lowest in an hour ago is .9171.

It’s sell aud/usd pair. He said sell stop because he believes if price reaches at the price he listed then it will go down

Mean you buy Aud/US ? or US/Aud

I opened buy AuD/US @ 0.9177 should I close it?:confused:

google sell “stop order wiki” - A sell–stop order is entered at a stop price below the current market