I worked for a company that made fake reviews for multiple unregulated forex brokers, today I’m breaking my NDA

Wow good on you. Sounds like a movie script really. Also this is as big a forex forum you can find so it makes sense they targeted it.

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I don’t see forexfactory? Not enough noobs?

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We mostly concentrated on the big 3.

This user’s techniques are a bit on the nose:

I believe the account fayrevivyanne to be disingenuous. Reasons for believing so:

  • They have promoted the same broker on 1 of their total 2 posts.
  • For a new account to be recommending brokers is suspicious.
  • Obviously reads as an ad
  • Really? You start shilling the broker on your second post? (They probably got told-off)
  • The whole thread is suspect, will be looking through all their profiles soon.

[Disclaimer: I can’t know for certain if a user is genuine or not, so please don’t engage with them negatively. I can, however, draw upon my experience as a ‘soft marketer’ for a company that targeted forums with fake ‘branded’ posts and reviews. This is not a review of the broker.]



Paul N and Alex077 have had their broker branded posts removed. It appears that the admins agreed that they were suspicious.

I’ll make sure to document profiles I find in here so we can use them as reference going forward.


It looks that way.

Something’s very wrong, certainly. Since I joined only last week I’ve read old Feedback threads and found that what normally gets removed here isn’t the spam, but all the people who complain about it. Many of them really active former members, too.

They’re all either called Anon something now or when you click on their name it says they’ve been suspended for irregularities or for being sockpuppets or even allegedly at their own request. It’s too weird a coincidence that all the former members who complained about spammers and bots are the exact same ones now banned, while there‘s still tons of spam everywhere. I don’t know exactly what’s going on here but there’s no possible way that’s legit!

He literally said no they don’t.

So you know all the former members are now anon because they got banned? You got all that in a week from reading feedback?


Isn’t that what it means? Sorry if I misunderstood!!!

It’s all there for anyone to read(?). Loads and loads of people, all saying the same(?).

I’ve been here a bit longer than you. There aren’t loads and loads of them.

But let’s join a site and immediately hop into the feedback section to see what people complain about. That sounds completely normal.

Any idea when the piece will hit the airwaves?

How is that in the UK? In the US I think you can report this to the CFPB or FTC. Not sure the bigger guys get involved in this.

Most of the anon that I have encountered over the years are members who have requested their accounts be closed.

As for banned guys - their names remain, just click on bio & there is a ref to reason for banning.

No big conspiracy.

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Really?! Such enormous numbers of them, so persistently, and apparently over so many years, judging by the dates of their last posts?!

I’m truly surprised. I can’t understand why so many would want actively to close their accounts, rather than just stopping posting and moving on, like most people do when they no longer enjoy or benefit from a particular forum.

But thanks for clarifying.

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Another suspicious account:

Hard one as they’re a brand new user.

Thank you to the user that pointed them out!

Gonna be doing a lot of work on here today.



Whilst working with the marketing company, our main goal was to promote the brokers with ‘branded’ posts, however, we had another aim.

“Unregulated brokers actually have better spreads/leverage.”

“Actually, offshore brokers are less regulated so they’re cheaper…”

“Unregulated brokers allow Bitcoin funding because it’s very fast.”

“I’ve been using this broker for years and years…”

Our other aim was to promote the idea that unregulated brokers were completely fine to use.

This is a great example of a post we would have loved:

You can see how the examples I gave earlier would work here. The open ended nature of the question, mentioning regulation, there’s real room to shift the narrative. This feels like a ‘setup’ post.

I’ve seen it on forums before, where any post talking about unregulated brokers would be fair game for my team to dive on. We would shift negative opinions of users quite casually and would outright gaslight some people into believing that using an unregulated broker is quite normal and ‘just as risky as any other broker’.

I don’t want this to become a witch hunt, so I’m being very careful, however, this account was created in 2023 and this is their very first post. First posts being broker related could be innocent, but unlikely, without anymore information I can’t be sure. No negativity please, as we have a lot more to go.

This is an old account, this person was working around the same time as me.

I can’t believe they just did this…

Jesus Christ…

View previous posts for clarification, this was most definitely a ‘setup’ thread after all.

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This entire thread is suspect:

We were told to just post in here as it promoted unregulated brokers:

It’s hard to point out all the disingenuous accounts due to the lack of ‘branding’, though I may have another way. Will continue to flag anything suspicious.


seems like im late the party :rofl: want to know more @BaxForex you havnt been active past month, seems like you’ve reached a resolution.

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I’m all for brokers using every marketing tool they have, whether unregulated or not. I do support unregulated brokers as I won’t have the things I have without them. As I stated before, by the time I became a successful trader, the U.S. regulators had already lowered the leverage/margin, and there was no way I would have been successful as quickly with that lower leverage that was forced on U.S. Brokers.

I’m fully committed to My Unregulated brokers; that’s my position. :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :v:


How’s the article coming @BaxForex?