Ian Hotforex a sure broker

I got referred by a friend about Hotforex broker being a trusted and reliable one. Can anybody confirm that for me.

i think its more appropriate for you to move on FPA where you can see their reviews, and you can ask this question in every top trading forum in broker discussion.

without using practically its really difficult to rate at any broker , because most brokers right now found to be scams.

If your friend has been making money and withdrawing profit without issues for the past 12 months with that broker, then go for it.

Hello wovcode I tried the demo but I am still skeptical. Any idea about USGFX? I was told that they have bonuses and a good client retention program. Haven’t tried yet.

before using live account you can check their performance in demo , its an very old formula but honestly speaking it works really.

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I agree, that’s good practical advice. Try out demo account first to make sure you’re comfortable with the broker before committing a large sum of money to an account.

I’ve been using them for 6 years no issues so far. One of their advantages is support of exotic instruments such as VIX and DXY which is a subtle sign that broker attempts to draw professional traders.