Ibfx au

This brokers seems good, but open an account is a pain in the ass. They ask me a certificated copy of my documents. I think this is good if you are thinking to invest more than 5,000 dollars, but for only 200 it is painful, and at least for me it will cost me more to get a certificated copy of my documents than the total investment I plan to do with them.

Also, how do they know that the certificated copy of the document is not fake? I think it could be better a phone call or something like that to verify the account.

All brokers requirements all almost the same and they have their ways to verify the documentation. They have clients arround the world and all documents from a certain country must look all the same. You can “touch” digitally some parts of your documents but the software you are using will leave a digital signature easy to detect and the metadat will tell exactly if the image comes from a scanner, a camera or an editing software.


I have accounts with various providers, including Oanda and FXCM, and none of them required certified by judge, lawyer or notarized copy of my documents.

Too bad, because I’m looking for a provider that offers debit prepaid card like IBFX, and the ones that offer that are in places that doesn’t convince me to deposit big (for me) sums :frowning:

Now you mention it ibfx asks you an id document such as id card, passport or any doc authorized by your government and certified copy of it, most institutions issues certified copies, if not it must be certified by an goverment institution. Besides that they ask you a financial document such as bank account statement of phone bill where your information (phone and adress) matches with the id document.