hey guys i used to had videos for ict trader i downloaded it from torrent file all together the videos ,tools and indicators , does anybody have the link thank you
Great teacher, bad personal trader as proved by a live account which he ran. It’s a shame as some of his videos had sound logical reasoning, while others were tweaked towards what had already happened to the market as apposed to what could have happened. In simple terms, his material was retrospective, mainly looking at historical PA.
The early ICT videos were removed from this forum, and from [I]YouTube,[/I] almost 2 years ago. Since then, there have been inquiries from time to time about the torrent you referred to, but I’m not aware of anyone locating and accessing that torrent.
The old videos have been updated, replaced and re-issued. So, why don’t you delve into the new material, instead of trying to find the older videos?
Here are a couple of links to Michael’s [B]new[/B] tutorials and market commentary:
The Inner Circle Trader Tutorials — this is one of the webpages on Michael’s website
InnerCircleTrader - YouTube — this is Michael’s [I]YouTube[/I] channel
Did he ever come clean about why he blew up?
He continues to say it was on purpose. He has an active Twitter account now and two days ago said he will be publishing a myfxbook again on January 19th. Lol so that will be fun.
After an additional two years of experience, he should at least be a break even trader by now… May even eek out a few months of profits before his ego implodes his trading again.