ICT & SMC difference and similarities

Please :pray: is there any different by ict technique and smc strategies

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Hmm. :thinking: I’ve done some digging on this since I keep on seeing people asking about ICT and it seems like the creators of the SMC strategy are old students of ICT. :thinking: Have you had the chance to check out both strategies yourself?

SMC or Smart Money Concepts was started by Richard Wyckoff over 100 years ago. ICT takes credit for inventing SMC.

ICT’s concepts and SMC both deal with liquidity, inducement, imbalance, manipulation, premium and discount, and supply & demand.

ICT talks about IPDA, the ‘algorithm’ that delivers price. The reception to IPDA in the SMC community is mixed because there is zero verifiable evidence of IPDA’s existence beyond what ICT speaks of.

An algorithm requires a certain degree of computing power and price moved the same back in the time of Wyckoff as it does now. In Wyckoff’s day the technology wasn’t available for an algorithm to exist. This is the reason I call B.S. on IPDA.

If learning one or the other is the question, if you want to learn in under 6 months go with SMC, if you have an extra 1 to 2 years to dedicate to the journey then go with ICT. I’m referring to his paid mentorship, not his more streamlined 2022 free YouTube mentorship. I salute him for giving away knowledge for free.


This is a solid precis of ICT’s web stuff. Got to say I have never heard him say anything incorrect about trading. But his attitude drives me away to get a calming cup of tea.

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I gave him a try and two things happened.

  1. My trading got worse.
  2. I developed short term narcolepsy that only occurred while his videos were playing.

ICT’s lessons are long winded ramblings and rants, have very low educational content density, are intentionally made more complex than needed, and have a heavy handed dash of narcissism.

I estimate that a 60 minute video has no more than 10 to 15 minutes of educational value. Unfortunately those minutes of value are not consecutive, they are sprinkled in randomly. It’s a very inefficient way to learn.

Solid information that is very poorly delivered.


Thanks for correcting me, Martial! :open_mouth: I mostly based this on discussions on other forums so I initially thought that students of ICT started SMC. But I see now that that’s not the case. Sorry for that! :open_mouth: But makes me also wonder just how different Richard Wyckoff’s SMC method is from the one most people know today. :thinking:

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@ria_rose There is nothing new under the Sun, no matter how many times we try to rename things.

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Someone suggested that ict has quit the paid thing and gone back to free YT videos, apparently has included the paid stuff into the free videos.

Could be wrong about this.

Something along those lines. I don’t think he’s giving exactly the same thing he provided in the original mentorship. I can’t confirm, because I only watched a couple videos of his YouTube content.

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His attitude I think has gotten worse in the last couple months. Not sure if he’s getting more hate and respond to that or if maybe because other influencers are calling him out or what.

A lot of his 2022 mentor videos he’s way more calm and balanced.

I watched some videos recently and don’t see a mention of a paid program I know he used to do this. Even his personal website has a “Premium mentorship” link that just redirects to his 2016 YT Mentorship videos.

Yup. Even his Twitter account says he doesn’t charge for anything. So that has changed for sure.


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There’s a lot of talking and rambling in the 2022 mentorship. Did watch the 2016 videos so can’t compare. But I think its like 8 videos versus almost 30 in the 2022 series.

I think it’s more like 8+ videos for each month of the paid mentorship.

This is the “paid” link on his website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LhteuLVuDU&list=PLVgHx4Z63paYzh3KwUFX0UHQUf31CAEXk

Points to free Youtube vidoes. 8 of them. If you get more than this, there’s nothing on his website about it and YT is all free. Probably what he was charging for back then.

I was basing it on his model of doing a 12 month mentorship with several videos for each month. I’ve seen the number of videos for the 2017 and 2018 mentorships and those definitely have more than 8, but maybe he only did 8 videos in 2016. That does seem odd for such a wordsmith as ICT.

Yea, maybe the 2022 free stuff is just a rehash of the stuff he did in 2017 and 2018.

I watched a video from a couple months back and he was throwing F bombs left and right and I was thinking, man this dude is pissed at the world.

And then I think he left Twitter last month. No more spaces or whatever they call them.

I just think, man there’s so many other people talking about him and he has many supporters and haters, there’s got to be something to what he teaches. It’s hard to digest it all, but it’s still something to see if it works for me.

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I believe you’re right. I think he did his last live space last month because all his minions were posting about it everywhere. With the millions and millions of $$ he’s made over the years < cough > he’s probably retired.

Good luck with it. I hope it suits you. It’s not for everyone.

Maybe this is related to him stepping away?

It doesn’t help if ICT says what he says and its recorded and on the internet forever.

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