If someone finds forex boring and lonely, should they still continue trading?

I feel like this could be anything. Replace forex with any other hobby, job or interest and if one finds it “boring and lonely” I think it’s an absolute waste of that time’s person. Right? Or would you convince this person otherwise and tell them to wait and persevere until they see success?


I think it can depend on a number of factors. But the main one I’d consider: Is it a one off thing? Like a bad night/week? or is it something that lasts longer?

For the former, I’d probably suggest sticking with it a bit and seeing if it improves. But for the longer bouts it might require some introspection as to whether it’s really something the person wants to do. Also depends on how long the person has been doing said hobby/interest, if it’s been a while, and the interest has died off, then it’s not worth pushing through sometimes, and a break can be beneficial. Nothing stopping them coming back at a later time. Most things hobbies/interests can be picked back up at a later date without too many issues. (Look at me, I’m back learning forex 10 years after I first tried it :joy:)

Worth also noting that one should be aware that there might be other outside factors affecting the person’s interest in a hobby/interest. Sometimes something unrelated can affect one’s interest/enjoyment of a hobby/interest indirectly. Stress at work, relationship issues, etc.

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Are you asking for a ¨friend¨?

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I see some traders who spend 12+ hours a day trading. Naturally those traders will be bored and lonely. But I think if they’re successful they should carry on. Trading is not a mechanism to pass time pleasantly nor meet new friends.

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Yes. If they want to succeed, there’s no other way. It’s lonely at the top because most people are not willing to go through the boredom and loneliness that comes with acquiring mastery.

“Greatness and mastery always look shrouded in mystery from the outside. But look closely and it’s more about mastering the mundane basics, and doing them consistently over long periods of time, rather than doing something extraordinary once. Excellence and greatness are more mundane than we usually think.”

That quote comes from the introduction to a long, in-depth article called The Mundanity of Excellence. I read it once in a while when I feel like I want to quit something I’m trying to master.


If someone finds forex boring and lonely, should they still continue trading?

Yes, if that’s their main source of income, Forex wasn’t boring and lonely when I started, but now it’s taking its toll on me, it’s like working for a job you no longer like, but what else are you going to do if you have to depend on it for your livelihood?


I’ve heard enough successful traders say that trading’s boring if you’re doing it well and profitably, so that takes care of the “boring” part for me.

The “lonely” part is even more subjective, isn’t it?

I’ve heard of people going to co-working spaces rather than staying at home on their own.

But that might be as much to get away from family distractions as to seek out company? I don’t know.


If he or she finds that forex is a boring and lonely, then it would be better stop doing it. It would be otherwise wasting a lot of resources and time. To learn anything in life, you must have passion in it in my opinion.

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Same thing many pro traders told me. I suppose that they say “boring” in a provocative way, nobody wants to have a really boring job but perhaps the advice means that it’s not a good thing if your trading is an emotional rollercoaster, that’s not good trading. My opinion of course.


LOL. No I really did see someone ask this. But also I guess yes… maybe asking for a “friend” too :joy:

Omg what got you to try it again after 10 years?

I think anyone who can do anything for 12+ hours day in and day out must NOT be bored.

Ah if it’s their source of income perhaps they can’t afford to get bored doing it :sweat_smile:


Or to get into the “working” mood. Some people see their home as a place for doing chores/other things maybe. Also yeah something could be boring to you and yet you’re still really good at it! The problem of course is if you’re bored and you suck at it.


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I have to disagree, you can do 12hrs and get no trades or 1 or more trades, it does get boring when there is no action and waiting for a trade-set up

Arguably the same thing that got me started in the first place… financial freedom. But also, I moved countries, and my job pays me in one currency, and my day to day expenses are in a different one, so I was already watching the exchange rate regularly. So figured, why not take another crack at forex, now I’m in a better overall situation, and looking at stuff anyways.

Hmm I suppose one can be bored and still kind of like it. Although 12 hours sounds like a really long time!

Great idea. The additional knowledge from trading is a huge bonus!


Why should you convince anyone to find success in anything? Let them do what they want. :slight_smile:

you won’t get boring of forex until you made it ,you only get tired of losing.give it up ? can’t do it ,cause it’s already in my blood ,i eventually pick it up after leaving it for 7-8 years ,

Very good bro. That’s the spirit!

Trading is actually a quite lonely endeavor. You may find a pretty good number of friends and acquaintances, you may end up in a trading group for a collective endeavor, but, at the end of the day, it is still your personal P&L, your individual account, your independent results and money. You have to be the one that takes care of it all, you need to be disciplined and consistent. In the end, you are sort of alone in this.

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